The main four react!

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Kirby: I'M SORRY!! I said no offense!

Jigglypuff: Yeah, when Kirby gets near food, he either goes full hungry mode, or full Gordon Ramsey mode.

Kirby: How about this; I challenge you to a cooking battle royale. Loser admits the winner is the better chef. I pick 1 judge, you pick 1 judge, cooking show style!

Jigglypuff: Then who's the 3rd judge?

Kirby: Gordon Ramsey-senpai, duh.

Jigglypuff: Of course. Anyways, lef's heading to the main room. We have to react to something called, "The Dual Blade Duelist"

Kirby: Ok

*The two of them head to the main room where the twins are waiting.*

Galeem: Shall we get started?

Kirby: Sure!

*before the final scene*

Kirby & Jigglypuff: *vibing and singing along*

Galeem: What is this?

Dharkon: I's Mario battling to the death with a pair of scissors...?

*after they see the final scene*


Kirby & Jigglypuff: MARIO NO!!!

The Twins: WHAT THE F**K?!?!

Mario: *walks in* Hey guys! Peach made pie, and Wii Fit said you'd be here, so-

Kirby: AHHHHHH!!!

Jigglypuff: ZOMBIE!!


Mario: What?

Dharkon: *shoots darkness bullets at Mario*

Mario: *runs out the room yelling* OH F**K OH S**T OH F**K OH S**T OH F**K OH S**T!!!


*Mario runs into the room. Luigi, Daisy, Wii Fit, and Peach, holding a pie serving tool, stare at him.*

Luigi: So, are they coming?

*Mario, breathing heavily, slowly nods his head no*

Make sure to send more asks and dares in the comments! Also, the forms for Lucario and Wolf!

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