Cooking royale part 6!

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Galeem: Welcome back everybody! We've reached the dinner portion of the competition! Let's see what our chefs have made!

*The judges each have a hamburger*

Star: This is pretty good! 10/10

Jigglypuff: Although I despise all sandwiches without cheese, this is still delicious. 9/10

Dharkon: *slams his hands on the table* WHAT KIND OF HAMBURGER DOESN'T HAVE HAM?! IT'S BLOODY CLICKBAIT D**N IT!! 0/10

Jigglypuff: Am I the only one who was disappointed to learn hamburgers don't have actual ham?

Galeem: Alright folks! Let's see what the Pink Pac-Man has brought to the table!

*The judges taste Kirby's spaghetti*

Star: I really like it! 10/10

Jigglypuff: It's pretty good. 9/10

Dharkon: *slams his hands on the table* I F**KING HATE TOMATOES! NO POINTS!

Kirby: FORGIVE ME MASTER! *yeets himself at a table*

Jigglypuff: I agree with him. F**K TOMATOES!!

Star: *in a small voice* I actually kinda like tomatoes.

Galeem: Alright ladies and gentlemen, we are now heading into the second half of the dinner round! Can they handle the heat? Find out next time!

Make sure to send more asks and dares in the comments below! Bye!

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