Explanation time!

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S!Galeem: *grabs R.K and prepares to teleport away*

R.K: The plot isn't that obvious! IT'S NOT THAT OBVIOUS! *vanishes with S!Galeem*

Kirby: As I was saying...Monika isn't a demon. She's a video game character like us.

Everyone: WHAT?!

Galeem: Wait, I've never seen any video games with a book named Monika.

Kirby: Monika isn't a book. She's a person trapped inside the book. Like the Queen of Fables from Harley Quin.

Dharkon: Was there any chance she told you what game she was from?

Kirby: Yeah, some dating sim called DDLC.

Dharkon: THAT Monika?!

Kirby: Yeah?

Dharkon: O_O *takes the book* MY WAIFU!! I SHALL SET YOU FREE!!

Galeem: It doesn't make any sense...I thought only Nintendo had made sentient video game characters.

Kirby: If that's the case, then how did Glitchtrap possess me? He's from FNAF.

Galeem: I don't know..

Kirby: I think, that Vanny, Glitchtrap, and Monika are from an alternate universe.

S!Dharkon: That's impossible!

Silver: No..not entirely impossible. R.K can bend dimensions to her will. People coming from a different world isn't entirely out of the question.

Galeem: Maybe R.K was bending their dimension to her will, so they fled here to escape her, but now OUR dimension is getting bent!

Jigglypuff: *pulls out a knife* Time to test that

Galeem: WAIT HOL UP-

*Jigglypuff stabs the ground. It recovers instantly*

Jigglypuff: So we're right. R.K's bending the dimension, making it heal.

Dharkon: So what does that say about us?

Silver: I don't think she can control us...She told me her powers are strictly just controlling dimensions, not the people inside them.

Galeem: Can I make a Hamilton reference?

Dharkon: Seriously Galeem?

Galeem: Hear me out. "You'll always be adored by the things you create." That's like saying, your creations will never fail you. Am I the only one to find it weird that the ground healed so fast?

S!Dharkon: He has a point. R.K's in limbo, and it's just a patch of grass. It would have taken her hours, maybe even days to notice it. But if it was her creation, then it would be like an open wound, and she would have to fix it immediately.

Kirby: You aren't implying-

Jigglypuff: What if R.K isn't just bending this dimension... What if she created it?


R.K: Hello my people! How are you- *sees that Glitchtrap and Vanny and screeching the I'm a Banana song now that Cassidy is napping* Allllrighty then! *joins the fun*

S!Galeem: *overall dead inside-ness* Brother...please return..

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