Cooking royale part 8!

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Galeem: Welcome to the final round! The theme of this round is dessert, so let's see what our oppenents have baked!

*The judges each take a cupcake*

Star: I really like it! 10/10

Jigglypuff: It's delicious. 10/10

*The other two just stare at Dharkon, waiting to see his reaction*

Jigglypuff: Guess you can't say, not enough cup, huh?

Dharkon: *slams his hands on the table* TOO MUCH CUP!!!

Star: We walked right into that one, didn't we?

Galeem: Yes we did. Anyways, let's see how the judges like Kirby's souffle.

*The judges take a bite of it*

Star: This is delicious! 10/10

Jigglypuff: I really like the strawberry flavor. 10/10

Dharkon: *slams his hands on the table* I F**KING HATE THIS SHADE OF PINK!! 0/10

Star: Is he seriously giving no points just because of the color?

Jigglypuff: Yeah, pretty much.

Galeem: Alright ladies and gentlemen, we are entering the final half of the dessert round! Will our contestants beat the competition, or will they crack under the pressure? Find out next time...

Make sure to send more asks and dares in the comments below! Bye!

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