Cake Time!

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*The main 4 watch what's happening on the tv*

Jigglypuff: You can do it!

Kirby: No!! You're using white sugar! White sugar never comes first in the cake!

*watching the brown sugar and baking powder*

Kirby: NOO!! Brown sugar and baking powder should never go in together!

*watching the eggs, milk and mix*

Kirby: Stop it!! You're getting eggshells in it!! And you're putting in too much butter and milk!

*watching the pan mess*

Dharkon: Yikes.

Galeem: I feel so bad for that cake.

*watching the oven time*

Jigglypuff: Good decision not to let Miss Silver handle it.

Dharkon: Yeah, otherwise it would have looked like Galeem's turn to cook.

Galeem: Oh come on, I'm not that bad

Dharkon: You managed to burn the house down while making pickle in a cup. A F**KING PICKLE, IN A F**KING CUP!!

*watching the result*

Kirby: *traumatized*

Jigglypuff: So, what did you guys think?

Dharkon: That was entertaining.

Galeem: That poor cake..

Kirby: No offense to Miss Silver, but if I see her again, I'm putting 2 pieces of bread on her face and calling her an idiot sandwich.

Make sure to send more asks and dares in the comments below! Also, forms for Mewtwo and Meta Knight!
And c a k e

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