Cooking royale part 5!

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Galeem: Welcome back everybody! Last time we checked out, Kirby was 2 points ahead of Silver. Let's see what our chefs have cooked up this half of the lunch round!

*The judges first eat the pretzel sticks*

Jigglypuff: This is pretty good! 10/10

Star: I really like it. 10/10

Dharkon: *slams his hands on the table* THE CHEESE ISN'T CHEESY ENOUGH!! 4/10

Star: Have we just accepted his outbursts?

Jigglypuff: Yeah, pretty much. Now, on to the beast...

*The judges stare at the giant sandwich Silver has made. Star tries to eat it but Dharkon stops her*

Star: Why? We have to try it.

Dharkon: one is allowed to eat it..

Jigglypuff: Wait WHAT?! Why?!

Dharkon: *mumbles*

Jigglypuff: Beg ya pardon?


Scarlet: Oh. *blushes*

Dharkon: lose 26 points..

Silver: WHAT?! WHY?!

Dharkon: *mumbles*

Galeem: What? *leans in*

Dharkon: *mumbles to him*

Jigglypuff: What'd he say?

Galeem: He said the sandwich is too cute, so we gotta grade it on looks.

Jigglypuff: Oh. Well it looks very delicious, 10/10

Star: The person on top is unappealing, 8/10

Galeem: Alrighty, the judges will now try Kirby's salad.

*The judges put a fork in the salad*

Jigglypuff: Even though I don't really like veggies, it's pretty good. 9/10

Star: It's tasty! 10/10.

Dharkon: *breaks the plate on his knee and screams from the bottom of his lungs* I F##KING HATE VEGATABLES!! 0/10!!

Kirby: FORGIVE ME MASTER!! *bangs his head against the wall*

Star: 0.0 Well he can't take a bad review

Jigglypuff: No. No he cannot.

Galeem: Alright folks! Silver has sunk down to 55 points and Kirby has risen to 78! Can they shoot for the stars in the dinner round? Find out next time...
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