How to rob a store

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Silver: Ok! It's time you learn how to rob a store! First things first, you need  a getaway driver. *gestures to Scarlet*

Dharkon: Galeem, you'll be our getaway driver since you suck.

Galeem: :(

Silver: Next, you'll need the leader. Aka, me.

Dharkon: I'm the leader!

Silver: Perfect, next, you'll need the muscle, for us, it's Soleil.

Dharkon: I'll be that too since I'm the only one with abs.

Silver: Finally, you need the brains off the operation, like Star.

Jigglypuff: I'll be that since it's my turn with the braincell.

Kirby: What about me and him? *points to Bronze*

Silver: Oh, right. You 2 are...the snack guys.

Kirby: Yes!

Bronze: O-ok...

Silver: Alright, let's do some training. Galeem, go steal some sunglasses *points to a kiosk called "The Sunglasses Hut"*

Galeem: Ok...*walks over to the kiosk*

Random kiosk lady: Hello sir, would you like to purchase some sunglasses?

Galeem: Uhhh...uhhh..*disintergrates her with light and grabs the kiosk*

Soleil: WAIT WHAT?!


*Everyone books it to the car. Scarlet slams on the gas.*

Silver: Ok. Who can tell me what Galeem did wrong?

*Everyone except Galeem raises their hand*

Silver: I think we all see that he made a mistake. Happens to the best of us. We'll try this again at the next location.

*at the other mall*

Silver: Ok, Bronze, go steal some sunglasses!

Bronze: Umm, o-ok..*heads towards the sunglasses kiosk*

Random kiosk lady 2: Hello sir, would you like to buy some sunglasses?

Bronze: Umm..d-do you like d-doritos?

Random kiosk lady 2: Yes. I love them so much I'm part of the Dorito cult.

Bronze: W-well, take this! *throws a Dorito bag*

Random kiosk lady 2: LORD DORITO!! I'M COMING! *runs away*

*Bronze takes a pair and runs back to the group*

Silver: Great job Bronze!

Kirby: Ohhh, I see! We need a distraction, and take what we want!

Silver: Exactly! Now, go rob that Starbucks! *points to a Starbucks*

*The 4 burst through the door. Kirby and Jigglypuff do the distraction dance and everyone is entranced. Galeem and Dharkon take all of the money and signal that it's time to go. *


*The 4 head into the car and take off.*

Silver: So proud...

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