Kirby has to be locked in a room! Part 1

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Jigglypuff: We got a new dare.

Kirby: What is it?

Jigglypuff: You have to be locked in a room without food.

Kirby: WHAT?! For how long?!

Jigglypuff: They didn't say, so I'm choosing. And it's for a week. *picks him up*


Jigglypuff: *carries him towards a large room and opens the door*


Jigglypuff: *yeets him in the room and locks the door* And now we wait.

*1 week later*

*Jigglypuff is playing Pokemon Sword in the main room with the lords watching*

Galeem: So in your main game, your kind gets captured by 12 year olds and hace to live in tiny balls unless you're brought out to battle each other?

Jigglypuff: Yeah pretty much.

Dharkon: And this has been going on for 25 years?

Jigglypuff: Yep!

Dharkon: Wow. No wonder Pikachu has an emotional dependency on Diet Coke.

*Meta Knight and King Dedede walks by*

Meta Knight: Hey, have you guys see Kirby? We've been looking for him all week.

Jigglypuff: *laughs* Funny story actually. He got a dare to be locked in a room without food, so I locked him in a room without food.

King Dedede: YOU DID WHAT?!

To be continued....

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