Cooking royale part 4!

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Galeem: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen to the cooking battle royale!

Jigglypuff: Wait didn't we just get back from robbing a bank?

Dharkon: Don't question it.

Galeem: Anyways, bring forth your dishes!

*The chefs bring forth their dishes. Kirby made cheeseburgers*

*The judges each take one of Silver's sandwiches*

Jigglypuff: Delicious! 10/10

Star: I love it! 10/10

Dharkon: *slams his hands on the table* TOO MUCH SAND, NOT ENOUGH WICH!! 5/10

Star: He is aware sandwiches don't actually have sand in them, right?

Jigglypuff: I think he was just looking for something to nitpick.

Galeem: Alright ladies and gentlemen, the judges will now taste Kirby's dish.

*The judges each take a cheeseburger*

Jigglypuff: Amazing! 10/10

Star: It's really cheesy..9/10

Dharkon: *slams his hands on the table* TOO MUCH CHEESE!! 7/10

Kirby: YES SIR FAKE RAMSEY!!! *does his push ups*

Star: I actually agree with that critique.

Galeem: Ladies and gentlemen, Kirby is currently in the lead! Can Silver steal his top spot or shall he stay on top? Find out next round. Bye!

Make sure to send more asks and dares in the comments below! Bye!

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