Cooking royale part 9!

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Galeem: Welcome back to the final half of the competiton! This is our chefs' final chance to boost their score! Let's see their attempts!

*The judges taste the shortcake*

Star: I love it! 10/10

Jigglypuff: Truly delicious. 10/10

Dharkon: *slams his hands on the table* I CAN'T FIND ANYTHING TO CRITICIZE ABOUT THIS!! THAT'S WHAT I HATE ABOUT IT! 5/10

Star: THAT'S his criticism?

Jigglypuff: Just be grateful that after this, he'll stop.

Galeem: Alright folks! Silver tops off her score by turning it into a 177! Now let's see if Kirby can beat that!

*The judges stare at the massive, large cake Kirby made*

Star: I wanna take a slice, but I'm scared it'll topple on me.

*Jigglypuff walks forward to get the slices*

Star: Jigglypuff no!

Dharkon: Do it. Do it. Do it.

*She cuts 3 slices out of it and somehow it doesn't collapse*

Jigglypuff: There. Now, wE EAT!!

*The three taste their slices*

Star: It's delicious. 10/10

Jigglypuff: Sweet and simple. Perfect way to end the contest. 10/10

Dharkon: *slams his hands on the table* VANILLA F**KING SUCKS!! 0/10

Kirby: SORRY!!

Star: I actually kinda like vanilla

Galeem: Alright! Time to see our victor!

*The scoreboard reads, Silver; 177, Kirby; 176*

Kirby: Yay! Silver wins!


Kirby: Here you go

*He gives her the winner crown*

Kirby: I hereby declare thee, the Baking Queen!

Silver: This is amazing.

Galeem: This marks the end of the 2021 Cooking Battle Royale! I hope you enjoyed it! Bye!

Make sure to send more asks and dares in the comments below! Bye!

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