How are the twins doing?

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Galeem: We're doing good, thanks for asking.

Dharkon: I like video games, even the crappy ones, and horror movies. I hate musicals, *whispers so Galeem can't hear* but I secretly love them. *stops whispering* I hate trees and vending machines.

Galeem: Why trees?

Dharkon: Those annoying f**kers are everywhere!

Galeem: Ok...I really like anime and musicals! I also like romantic comedies. The only thing I hate is  spiders.

Dharkon: I can't cook to save my life, and Galeem's the same.

Galeem: Thanks other me!

Dharkon: Thanks for the compliment.


Jigglypuff: Kirby...what's wrong with you...

Kirby?: *wires circling around him* D0 /0u +(u%+ m#?

Jigglypuff: You're not Kirby...what did you do to him...

Kirby?: &€ +/u$+e) m#..

Jigglypuff: I have to get out of here! *tries to run out but the wires grab her*

Kirby?: Y0u/ n0! %e!!|n% @₩@/ !&@! e@$/...

Make sure to send more asks and dares in the comments below! Bye!

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