Basically twin chaos.

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This is basically just gonna be Galeem and Dharkon being chaotic
During a game of hide and seek:
*Dharkon trying to worm in Galeem's spot*

Galeem: Hark, go away! I was here first!



Mario: I-a found you!

Galeem: GODD**M IT ALL TO H**L
When they play Street Fighter

*Galeem's about to win but then Dharkon unplugs the Nintendo and turns to him and says*

Dharkon: This is why we can't have nice things Galeem.
When the twins play Monopoly

Galeem: I HATE YOU!!


Luigi: Dharkon, give Galeem your 200 bucks. You landed on his property.

Dharkon: NO! HE'S IN JAIL! I'm not gonna give money to a criminal!

Galeem: tHAT'S NOT HOW YOU P L A Y!!!

Min Min: Luigi? Why is brother screaming?

Luigi: Shut the f**k up, Min Min. You don't get to talk after stealing my last railroad!



Dharkon: AHHHH!!!
When the twins play Uno

Galeem: *puts down a card* World of Light

Dharkon: World of Dark

Galeem: Puppet fighters!

Dharkon: BETTER puppet fighters!

Galeem: Oh come on! Fine...manipulating spirits.

Dharkon: Manipulating spirits with DARKNESS!

Galeem: Master Hand!

Dharkon: Crazy Hand.

Galeem: D-didn't you just-?! Fine, fine! Wild card, change the category, timeline.

Dharkon: Taking of the Smashers

Galeem: Kirby Escaping.

Dharkon: Getting defeated by Kirby

Galeem: What?! Wait-

Dharkon: Killing everyone with Darkness.

Galeem: You can't just-

Dharkon: Reverse.

Galeem: Oh yeah?! Reverse!

Dharkon & Galeem: Reverse reverse revERSE REVERSE REVERSE-
When they were discussing their plans in Adventure Mode

Dharkon: *has the Smashers except Kirby* I want all this s**t.

Galeem: UM NO *takes them away* You can't have all this s**t!

Dharkon: TOUGH BREAK B***H!! *takes them back* I'M TAKING THIS S**T!!

Galeem: Yo, Bowser, stop this motherf**ker!!

Bowser: No no no, that has nothing to do with us. We will allow this.

Dharkon: F**k y'all, I'll take your s**t too.

Bowser: Hey! HEY! We had a DEAL!

Dharkon: F**k deals! I want aLL THE S**T!!

Galeem: What the f**k is this?! Yo Crazy Hand, step up!

Crazy Hand: Nope, you saw what happened to us 35 years ago. We out, you can have the s**t. *goes to help Dharkon*

Dharkon: Thank you, CRAZY HAND. God...

Galeem: Oh my god, Master Hand, do you have to say about this?

Master Hand: To be honest man, we kinda like what those motherf**kers are doing. We want all the s**t too.

Galeem: What the fuc- EGGMAN?!

Eggman: *not there*

Galeem: Ah, he ain't in Smash yet. Yo, Kirby, come beat him up!

Kirby: That ain't my problem sir.

Crazy Hand: *steals Jigglypuff and Kirby's cake* HA HA!!

Kirby: OKAY *gets his mallet* NOW IT'S ON!!
And finally, when they actually get along.

Galeem & Dharkon: Siblings, siblings, siblings, siblings!

Galeem: This is my brother!

Dharkon: This is my brother!

Galeem & Dharkon: We are siblings and we care for each other!

Galeem: Everything we own!

Dharkon: We always share!

Galeem & Dharkon: Because we are siblings and we have the same hair!

*Cut to Dharkon looking down at an empty pizza box with the note "Galeem waz here". He glares at Galeem while holding a ham*

Dharkon: I like knitting!

Galeem: And I like coins!

Dharkon & Galeem: We both came out of the same loins!

Dharkon & Galeem: If you don't like siblings, give us a chance! We'll impress you with our sibling dance!

*The two of them start fortnite dancing*

Dharkon: Hey, what's that?

Galeem: *whispers* we have a younger brother

Dharkon: You thought there were two.

Galeem: But there is another!

Dharkon & Galeem: He's always busy and he has no hair. But he's one of us so we don't care!

Dharkon & Galeem: Come on Hand, snap out of that trance! It's time to do a sibling dance-

Master Hand: Guys! Guys, I can't...focus, I can't read, I can't get any of my work done with you making this racket about sibling dances!...I'm sorry, I don't mean to be mean, it's just...we've lost a lot of attorneys in our office, and I've got a jury trial on Monday, and I've gotta get this motion finished, and I don't have time to do a sibling dance!

*Galeem makes Master Hand dance with them as they floss in the head empty zone*

Galeem: Sometimes I think I can talk to plants

*Galeem gets chased by a plant monster while Dharkon and Master Hand fortnite dance in the background*

Dharkon & Master Hand: Come on, let's do a sibling dance!

Dharkon: *at 3 am* The void of space is a vast expanse...

Dharkon, Galeem, and Master Hand: Come on, let's do a sibling dance! *flosses* Come on, let's do a sibling dance!

All 3: S I B L I N G S

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