Triple/ask part 2!

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Galeem: Hi everyone welcome back!

Wii Fit: In case you missed it, Kirby and Jigglypuff are getting murdered by hands

*cut to Kirby & Jigglypuff getting slammed on the ground. Samus is blasting Master Hand and King Dedede is hitting Crazy Hand with his hammer.*


Samus: Wait, why is it called number- you know what? I'm just gonna get the crowbar. *walks away*

Wii Fit: Anyways, you and Dharken have a new dare

Galeem: What is it now?

Wii Fit: You have to be in a dark room, while Dharken has to be in a bright room.

Galeem: But we're stuck together?

Dark Pit: Well, the two of you aren't exactly a threat-*cut off by everyone yelling*

Galeem: E = MC SCARED!!

Dark Pit: Why does everyone do that?

Wii Fit: You travel around the house without making a single sound! IT'S F**KING CREEPY!

Dark Pit: Whatever, shall we free these two?


*Dark Pit starts chanting and the knot starts unwinding. Finally, the knot is undone*

Galeem: FREEDOM!!

*The two of them proceed to get shoved and locked in the rooms*

*1 Hour Later*

Wii Fit: Ok, let's check on Galeem. *opens the door and sees Galeem glowing in the dark like a lamp*

Wii Fit: Uhhhhhhh

Galeem: I A M T H E L I G H T

Wii Fit:...oki doki then.....*closes the door*

Wii Fit: Now let's check in on Dharken *opens the door and sees Dharken under a blanket.* HEY! *grabs it* That's cheating!

Dharken: *demonic hissing*

Wii Fit: Also, k_hix24 says they'll always be here for you!

Dharken: Oh.*looks at the camera*. Thank you.

Wii Fit: They also wanna take a moment to appreciate how dope you and Galeem are.

Dharken: What is a dope?

Wii Fit: It's a compliment!

Dharken: Oh, thanks. Wow, these people are really nice.

Wii Fit: I know right??

Meanwhile, with the hand demons

*Samus finally manages to pry Kirby and Jigglypuff free, while Dark Pit closes the portal*

Kirby: Oh, sweet freedom....

Jigglypuff: have an ask?

King Dedede: THAT'S what you were thinking about?! Puffballs are dumb....ok what's the ask?

Jigglypuff: How many times have you lost against Kirby?

Kirby: Depends on what you mean. In the main games and anime, I beat him 7 times. In Smash, however-

King Dedede: 11,037 times.

Kirby: S'cuse me?

King Dedede: That's how many times you beat me, yoU PINK PAC-MAN!!!

Kirby: ...Poyo?

Jigglypuff: *whispers in his ear* It's cause you're round and eat everything in sight

Kirby: Oh! *sound of realization, ten sound of sadness* oh...

Jigglypuff: They also wanna know how we know that Galeem and Dharken were bad.

King Dedede: Simple, we asked them what they were trying to do. After they went self-aware, we asked them. Galeem said he wanted to "purify the galaxy with his light". I don't think he realized that plan including everyone getting oblierated, so I think he had good intentions....

Kirby: Dharken said he just wanted to devour the galaxy in darkness so he could create a new one bathed in darkness, so we took his powers so he can't do that.

Jigglypuff: And that wraps up the asks! Make sure to send more asks or dares in the comments below!

Kirby: Bye!

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