Hugs, Yeets, and death threats

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Kirby: Welcome back everybody!

Jigglypuff: Time to answer the asks once more.

Galeem: Who has to do what?

Kirby: You two have to hug each other after yeeting everyone out the window.

Galeem: .....what is a yeet?

*Dharken walks over to Jigglypuff and stares at her for a moment*

Jigglypuff: yes?

*Dharken picks her up*

Jigglypuff: WAIT WAIT WAIT-

Dharken: DIS B***H EMPTY! YEET! *yeets her out the window*

Jigglypuff: WAITWAITWAIT YOU BIIIIIITTTTTCCCCC-*squeaking sound as she hits the ground*

Galeem: Ohhhhhhhhh so that's what yeet means! *walks towards Kirby*


Galeem: Sorry Kirby, it's a dare! *yeets him out the window*

Kirby: WAIT WAIT YOU, YOU BITC- *squeaking sound as he hits the ground*

Galeem: Now, let's get to work.

*The two of them then proceeded to grab everyone and yeeted them out the window. However, when Dharken went to yeet Pokemon Trainer, he heard yelling, so he ain't touching that-*

Dharken: Ok, what now?

Galeem: We must hug! *hugs Dharken*

Dharken:.....*microsoft windows sound*

Galeem: Dharken?

Dharken: *dial-up sound*

Galeem: I think I broke him....

*Meanwhile, Jigglypuff and Kirby crawled up the building and through the broken window, dragging Sephiroth.

Dharken: *sees them* guys look like you crawled from the pits of h**l.

Jigglypuff: That was the worst experience of my life.

Kirby: I know what glass tastes like now! 4/10, needs salt.

Sephiroth: I'd appreciate an explanation on why I was dragged up here.

Kirby: You have an ask.

Sephiroth: Is it another death threat?

Jigglypuff: Sort of. They wanna know how many death threats are in the pile.

Sephiroth: Well, I'm not even sure at this point. I've just been shoving them in the closest.

Jigglypuff: *walks over to the closet* Well, it can't be that many. You're new. *opens it and a literal flood of letters come pouring out. Luckily, our favorite lords jump out of the way*

Kirby: 0_0 Holy....this is a serious fire hazard..

Bowser: *pops out of nowhere* SOMEONE SAY FIRE?

Kirby: BOWSER NO!!

Bowser: *breathes fire on it and starts a massive fire*

Galeem: Well, that wraps up the asks

Dharken: We should probably get Mario or something.

Galeem: Why?

Dharken: Isn't he a fireman?

Galeem: I thought he was a carpenter?

Dharken: Anyways, be sure to leave more asks and dares in the comments.

Kirby: *runs around with his head on fire* AHHHHHHH!!

Dharken: Hopefully by then, we'll have put out the fire.

Galeem: Bye!

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