Cooking royale! Part 1

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Kirby: Very well then! I pick Puffy! *puts his hand on Jigglypuff's head*

Jigglypuff: Alright then. I'll try to get Gordon Ramsey on the phone. *walks away*

Kirby: Excellent....


Galeem: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the first annual 2021 Cooking Battle Royale!

Dharkon: Wait, we're gonna have to do this again?

Galeem: In one corner, we have the Pink Pac-Man himself, Kirby!

*A spotlight flashes on Kirby, wearing an apron and holding two pans*

Kirby: Time to make Cooking Mama proud!

Dharkon: In the other corner, we have our main asker, who still hasn't done the FNAF challenge, which I really wanna see-

Galeem: Brother stay on topic.

Dharkon: Right, sorry. Sliver!

*Another spotlight flashes on Silver, wearing an apron and holding butcher knifes*

Galeem: Now let's get a look at our judges! Jigglypuff!

*A spotlight flashes on Jigglypuff, whose sitting at a table*

Jigglypuff: I have no cooking expertise whatsoever but I like Kirby's food.

Galeem: Star!

*A spotlight flashes on Star, whose sitting at the same table.*

Star: How did I get here?

Galeem: And Mario!

*A spotlight flashes on Mario, but before he can say anything, Kirby protests*


Jigglypuff: He's busy, so Mario's doing it instead.


Mario: a Mario...

Kirby: IF YOU'RE NOT SCREAMING AT ME THAT I'M AN IDIOT SANDWICH, THEN YOU DON'T BELONG HERE!! *yeets his pan at Mario's head and knocks him out*

Jigglypuff: Well frick, now we need a new judge. Dharkon, will you do it?

Dharkon: Sure. *takes Mario's place*

Galeem: Alright ladies and gentlemen, here are the rules! There will be 4 rounds, each having a different theme. You will be making 2 different dishes per round that match the theme of the round. Round 1's theme is breakfast. And....go! *starts the time.*

Make sure to put more asks and dares in the comments below! Also, here are the forms for Greninja and King K. Rool!

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