Gay babeh jail

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Kirby: But..I need to find answers...

Silver: SLEEP

Kirby: O_O Y-yes ma'am...

*In Limbo*

Vanny: Nooooo! This is the worse thing ever!

Glitchtrap: Meh. It could be worse. That Cassidy girl could be here...

=÷^>,! know, I was hoping I could do some sorta mystery plot, make some crossovers, maybe attract some attention to the new book, but it is clear to me now, that will not work, so Ima stir up drama! *teleports*

S!Dharkon: HOW DID SHE-

*meanwhile, at the Smash Ultimate building*

=÷^>,!: Now how do I wake them up?... I know! *summons two pans* I AIN'T GET NO SLEEP CAUSE OF Y'ALL! *bangs the pans* Y'ALL NOT GONNA GET NO CAUSE OF ME!

*The main four come out*

Galeem: What's going on?

Dharkon: It's too late for this bulls**t.

=÷^>,!: Hi! So, I'm the one who sent Vanny and Glitchtrap!


=÷^>,!: Oh, I escaped. I thought that was obvious.

Silver: I MEANT HOW!!

=÷^>,!: How am I doing here? I'm doing well, thanks for asking!

Silver: You know what I meant!

=÷^>,!: Ok, ok. I'll stop torturing you. *She takes off her hood to reveal a face with blue eyes, round glasses, and long navy blue hair*

Silver: *le gasp* YOU!!

=÷^>,!: Oh come on, I told you I was gonna show up at some point.

Silver: Oh yeah I guess you did.

Jigglypuff: Wait, Silver you know her?

Silver: Long story.

=÷^>,!: That she won't be able to tell! *snaps her fingers and Silver can't talk about her* Can't have you giving away any spoilers, can we?

Silver: Hey!

Dharkon: Ok lady, we don't care what you look like, who are you?

=÷^>,!: Oh, I'm sure one of you knows what role I play into this. Isn't that right, Kirby?

Kirby: I, uh...*sees that the lady is slowly disappearing* what's happening?

=÷^>,!: Oh, I'm going back to Limbo! Ta-ta!

Jigglypuff: Wait, can you at least gice us your name?

R.K: Sure, call me R.K! *disappears*

Dharkon: Well that happened.

Jigglypuff: Kirby, she said you knew something about her. What is it?

Kirby:..I'm going back to sleep. *goes back in his room and locks the door*

Galeem: You can't do that!

Dharkon: You know what? I like Kirby's plan. *goes back to bed.*


Jigglypuff: I do!

Galeem: Good. Now let's work together to find out what just happened...

Make sure to send more asks and dares in the comments below! Bye!

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