Kirby has to be locked in a room! Part 2

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Previously on Ask and Dare the Smash Ultimate cast

Jigglypuff: Right, so basically Kirby got a dare to get locked in a room without food, so I made him do it for a week, so a week late Dee and Meta were like "yo wheres Kirby" so I told what happened and they were like "WTF" and here we are. Recap over!


Jigglypuff: What's the big deal? Kirby's some kinda death god, so he can handle not stuffing his face for once.

Galeem: I thought he was a black hole.

Dharkon: And I thought he was some sorta knock-off version of her. *pokes Jigglypuff in the cheek*

King Dedede: Listen nobody knows what the f**k Kirby is, so let's move on.

Meta Knight: When quarantine fiest started way back, it was clear Kirby wasn't built for it. One, when he feels any emotion, he eats, so I had to go grocery shopping every week, so f**k social distance.

King Dedede: Another thing, he can't handle being alone for more than an hour, so once again f**k social distancing. When we found this out, I ran a little experiment to see what would happen if you made Kirby be alone without food.

Jigglypuff: What...were the results?

Meta Knight: I'll put this a way you kids can understand; Imagine Attack on Titan and Tokyo Ghoul had a child and it was the twin of The Promised Neverland

*Hearing this, our heroes rushed to the room*

Galeem: Nothing could have gotten TOO bad, right?!

Dharkon: *under his breath* s**ts**ts**ts**ts**ts**ts**ts**ts**t-

Jigglypuff: Sugimori I hope I'm not too late! Hang in there Kirby!

*The 3 of them make it to the room. Jigglypuff pulls out a key and unlocks the door. They open it and see what's inside.*

All 3: AAHHHHHHH!!!!

To be continued....
Also, I have decided at the end of each chapter, I will post what the Smashers look like in the book. For this, Galeem and Dharkon!

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