Cooking royale! Part 2

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Galeem: And time! Bring forth your dishes!

*The two bring forth their dishes. Kirby's is chocolate crepes*

Galeem: The judges will now taste Miss Silver's dish first. Ladies first, after all.

*The 3 judges each put a fork in the food*

Jigglypuff:'s really good. 10/10

Star: Yeah, it's delicious. 10/10

Dharkon: .....

Jigglypuff: Dharkon?

Dharkon: *slams his hands on the table, and in an obvious Gordon Ramsey impression* TOO MUCH SALT, YOU DONKEY!! 4/10!!

Everyone: WHAT?!

Dharkon: I've decided that since he's not here, I'm going to impersonate Ramsey! No one gets a perfect score from me!

Galeem: Okay, that puts Silver at 24! The judges will now taste Kirby's food.

*The judges each take a crepe.*

Jigglypuff: Amazing as always! 10/10

Star: It's really sweet. 10/10

Dharkon: *slams his hands on the table* TOO MUCH CHOCOLATE!! 8/10!!

Kirby: YES SIR FAKE RAMSEY-SENPAI!! FORGIVE ME!! *proceeds to do 9,000 push ups*

Star: 8/10 is a good score though...

Jigglypuff: Yeah, if he doesn't get 10/10 on all of his dishes, he thinks he failed.

Galeem: Alrighty, ladies and gents! Kirby is currently in the lead by four points! Can Silver knock him away by making breakfast 2.0? Let's find out! On your mark...get set...COOK! *starts timer*

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