(Late) Valentine's Day Special!

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Warning; implied gaslighting and abuse

Jigglypuff: Hey guys! I felt bad we didn't do anything for Valentine's Day, so I'll tell you the story of how me and Kirby became friends!

*Pan out to see she's talking to Galeem, Dharkon, and of course, the readers.*

Galeem: Yay!! *claps*

Jigglypuff: This story takes place in the dawn of time, back in the first Super Smash Bros...

Dharkon: Oh yeah I forgot you guys were part of the original roster...

This thingie = Present
Normal = Past
Underlined = Past Jigglypuff's thoughts

*flashback to the first Smash. Jigglypuff's standing alone and looking smaller and sad.*

Jigglypuff: I was just a noob back then. It was my first time out of the Pokeball. I was just alone and scared and that's when I met him.

*A hand is on Jigglypuff's shoulder. She turns around and sees Kirby*

Kirby: Hi there! :-D

Jigglypuff: AHH!! *punches him and makes him get back*

Galeem: Wait, your first encounter with him was a punch to the face?!

Jigglypuff: Shut up.

Kirby: Oww....well, you have nice instincts.

Jigglypuff: Sorry...

Kirby: It's fine. I'm Kirby!

Jigglypuff: He was so warm and bright..like he didn't have a care in the world. In a Pokeball, you don't get much warmth. Or brightness.

Jigglypuff: I'm...Jigglypuff...

Kirby: Nice to meet you Puffy! Maybe we'll get to fight each other soon!

Jigglypuff: Puffy?

Jigglypuff: I didn't understand the nickname, but I liked it.

*A few days later*

Jigglypuff: I often spent my time on the waiting benches, even though I was never picked for a fight.

Kirby: Hey Puffy! *walks over and sits next to her*

Jigglypuff: Kirby often came by and sat next to me and talked to me. I found this annoying

Jigglypuff: *grumbles*

Kirby: *kicks his legs up and down like a child* How ya doing?

Jigglypuff: I'm....fine

Kirby: Are ya having funnnnn?

Jigglypuff: It...doesn't matter....if I have fun...

Kirby: What?! Of course it does! *takes her hands* Everyone deserves to be happy! Especially you!

Jigglypuff: *looks up at him and sees him smiling*

Jigglypuff: His smile...his smile was so bright and full of positive energy, you couldn't help but smile too.

Jigglypuff: *smiles* thanks..

Kirby: *le gasp* Puffy! That's the first time I've seen you smile! We should celebrate! *looks into his bag and pulls out two small lollipops* Want one?

Jigglypuff: sure...*takes one*

*A few months later*

Jigglypuff: Me and Kirby got even closer over the next few months. We still sat on the benches and watched the fights we never got chosen for.

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