The twins meet different versions of themselves!

159 1 7

M! = My Au
S! K_hix24's Au

*The twins are sitting on the couch*

Galeem: Man, today's pretty boring, huh?

Dharkon: Yeah, I don't really know what to do

Kirby: *slowly rising behind Dharkon and dun na-ing to the theme of Jaws* Dun na dun na dun DUN NA DUN!!

Dharkon: I can not only sense you're there, but the fact that I can hear you doesn't help.

Kirby: Aww...*comes out from behind him* you guys are no fun. Have you seen Puffy anywhere?

Galeem: Actually, no I haven't seen her around.

Dharkon: Yeah me neither.

King Dedede: *walks in* What are you guys talking about?

Dharkon: We're wondering where Jigglypuff is. You know?

King Dedede: Why would I know? I'm hanging out with Meta 90% of the time.

Kirby: Well what about the other 10%?!

King Dedede: listen that other percent i don't exist because i'm not relevant to the plot-*gets cut off*

Jigglypuff: *standing on top of a very large shelf* I am about to perform a triple backflip off the top of this shelf!

Galeem: Jigglypuff what the h**l?

Dharkon: W-what's gotten into her?

Kirby: Oh yeah now I remember! She lost a bet against Rosa, so Rosa hypnotized her, and now she thinks she's a acrobatic entertainer.

Jigglypuff: Watch as I do this with no effort!

Dharkon: JIGGLYPUFF WAIT! *runs off*

Galeem: Where's Dharkon going?

Dharkon: *comes back with phone, ready to record it* OKAY YOU CAN START NOW!!

Galeem: Hey wHAT THE H**L?!

Dharkon: Well, I wanna get popular on Vine, okay?!

Galeem: Vine died like 5 years ago it's TikTok now!

Dharkon: Ok fine I wanna get popular on TikTok! Now Jigglypuff do the backflip


Jigglypuff: I DIE FOR THE EYES OF ENTERTAINMENT!!*jumps off*

King Dedede: Oh god I can't look! *turns around*

Kirby: Me neither! *turns around too*

Dharkon: Oh god I can't look! Galeem hold this. *hands him the phone and turns around*

Galeem: *takes the phone* Oh yeah sure wAIT YOU'RE PINNING THIS ON ME?!

Jigglypuff: Wheeee- *falls and breaks every bone but doesn't die*

Kirby: *crying* Oh GoD tHaT sOuNd MeAnS sHe'S gOnE sPlAt- *sees she's alive* oh she's alive

Dharkon: Awesome! Galeem, did you get that on video?

Galeem: No, I didn't. I'm not gonna film that.

*Dharkon looks at him with pure rage and proceeds to strangle him*


King Dedede: Dharkon, stop strangling your brother. We need to call an ambulance for Jigglypuff

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