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In this dream I was a guy and this is a narrative perspective.

He awoke there was unsteady breathing for he knew what had happened. He had, had another nightmare and it wasnt just any nightmare tthat tthat lurks through his mind it was the kind that haunted him in and out of "dream world".

These dreams he would get made other nightmares seem like a tiny little scrape in his life like they were just the tinitest things and they had absolutely no meaning whatsoever. These dreams were realistic too realistic they felt like reality which is what i personally think scared him the most.

Last night he dreamed..... He was at school and his girlfriend and him just got into a huge fight and he had no clue what it was about all he knows is that they were both pissed beyond anyones belief. They started screaming at eachother she said something like he didnt seem like he loved her as much as he used to well heshowed he loved her but apparently according to her he didnt show it the same way.

Anyways  they are in a screaming match and she leaves him there and walks down the hallway leaving him standing there... standing there in almost awe that she even walked away he wasnt sure why she even said that to him. Was the love he gave her not good enough? but his thoughts were rudely interupted by the crowd of people rushing towards him trying to get to class. he wanted to cry actually he wanted to die.

He gets to the door of his shop where a girl comes up to him and says, "I saw what happened that's terrible" and all he wanted to do was break down and then the girl said, " Well I've liked you forever and I've always wanted to kiss youu soo." At that second the girl kisses him and then smirks and said "defenitely worth it you're a great kisser... Wish you were mine."

He smiled for a second but then realized what happened and regretted it all cause all he could think about was the fight he was insecure and scared and his girlfriend screamed "I'm done with this" before walking down the hallway. He didn't want to loose her she was the best thing that ever happened to him. But he had To make it through the day.

He saw her at lunch and she tried to talk to him but he wouldn't talk to her because he was hurt. He couldn't believe she had done that and as she begged one more time with pleading eyes for him to listen he realized he didn't want to hear a word of what was going to come out of her mouth.

So then it was his Ex's lunch and he saw her and he was ready to cry cause everything always goes wrong and she said she heard what happened and she was sorry so she tells him to come over to her so she can give him a hug so he does he goes over with and gives her a hug and she kisses him and says "forget about your girlfriend and be with me you know I wouldn't do that to you."
He looked at his ex smiled faintly and walked way he didn't want his ex he wanted his girlfriend.

So the day goes on and he goes home and then his friend asks him to go to a party so he said sure so he goes there and talks with his friend and then he stays for alittle bit and gets bored and leaves and starts walkin away when his friend ( bestfriend) catches up to him. She talks an makes him feel better and then puts her arm around him and says " it's about time I kiss you" and then he smiles and laughs cause he thinks it's a joke but she is serious so he backs away and runs.

And runs and runs until he gets home to see his sister at home and him and his sister go to this park where they see people playing soccer and then he realizes that the park they are at is the one right down the road from his girlfriends house and he breaks down cause he realizes things are over and he runs and finds a space where nobody can find him and he just cries and he sobs so loud that he didn't hear the car coming as it hit him and the last thing he could hear was his sister and his girlfriends screams as he looked at the blue sky for the last time.

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