Dream: 16

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Today started like every other day I woke up, took a shower, got dressed, ate breakfast and caught the bus. As I enter the bus I decide that today I want to sit in the back to switch it up so I see that the Last seat on the right is open so I find myself there. A few stops down the way I'm approached by a stranger, a man in casual clothing with hippie sunglasses who smelled like strong mint. He asks to sit next to me which in itself was strange because there were several open seats on the bus but I kindly agreed. He sits next to me and studying his features he looks to be young, around my age but it was really weird because I had never seen him before but he seemed too familiar to me. He looks at me with giddy features and a adorning beaming smile.

"I've been waiting for this moment most of my life!", he says in pure utter joy it's almost scary.

"I finally get to meet you! Here let me read this to you! It's called destiny" He says pulling out an odd leather bound book. He skims through the pages as if looking for something very specific to show me. He clears his throat and begins to speak in a hushed tone.

"On March 22nd, you will meet the girl who will change everything but you have to save her from an impending event or else the most important person in our cause will be of no use" It seemed like childish banter to me and I was entirely confused because how could I be this person? There were several other girls on the bus what made me different?

He suddenly stands up on the bus loudly clearing his throat, "Ladies and gentlemen of this bus, I would like to inform you that in about precisely 8 minutes this bus is going to get into an accident! If you listen to me everyone will live".

Everyone on the bus looks at him like he is a madman, which is how he made himself look to everyone. People looked at him laughing and he began to sit back down and he mumbled something inaudible under his breath and scribbles something in a notebook and folds it. He puts a hand on my shoulder and hands me a note it reads, "I am destined to save you". I am perplexed by this note because this all seemed like a freak show.

He quickly grabs my attention by pointing to a man outside of the bus who is in similar attire and proceeds to put his arm around me and makes an odd hand gesture where his fingers rotated to the man. The man simply nods as we pass by and then the stranger's phone rings. He picks it up and his expression turns ghostly white as he nods and says "Uh huh" a lot.

He abruptly ends the call and then looks at me and mumbles, "It's happening sooner than I thought, trust me and duck down ". I follow the strangers instructions blindly as I hear the bus brakes screech and the bus flips over. There is screaming and blood everywhere and everything seems kind of fuzzy I hear a voice that mumbles, " I tried to warn them".

I am surprised when an arm is looped under mine and the stranger practically carries me off the bus and sits me on the sidewalk examining me for injury with me now noticing that he had brown cedar eyes.

"I'm sorry that this has happened, it was an honor to meet you and hopefully you will believe everything I have written and we will see eachother again very soon but until then I must go". He hands me a note and leave one last reassuring stroke to my head as I watch his retreating figure run to his fellow friends I suppose.

I open the not and it reads, "Hello Kassy, My name is Damien I know everything seems very weird for you right now and that I must've seemed like a nut! I'm not crazy and you can probably see that since you didn't die. I am apart of a group of interdimensional time travelers with gifts and abilities. I know that this seems like joke but it's entirely not and I'm well aware that you've been noticing that weird things have been happening to you and that is because of this. You're more important than you'll ever realize, If you're interested in what I've written go to the Burger King closest to here and order a chocolate milkshake without whipped cream and sit in the far right corner and we will meet you. Come as soon as possible". Everything seems to make sense now and I find myself walking to the Burger King.

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