Dream 21

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There were many groups of special people with special abilities all given task to protect the world and people from bad things so sometimes the missions were big and sometimes they were small.

My name is Casey and I was in one of those groups that is before I ran away from them and I've been on the run ever since . My abilities well I can move things with my mind and if I'm ever trying to escape anything my body will survive.

My group was Issac, Huey, Marcus , Trina, Mallory and I, my biggest mistake was falling in love with a member of the team. I met them all one day when I heard a knock on my apartment door and all 5 of them were standing there staring at me.

"Ah we finally found you, you're a ghost to find"

They all started laughing and I had no clue what they were talking about eventually I learned a lot about everyone they became so close we were like a second family. I protected them a lot and sometimes took lead with Issac on high risk operations because he got visions and was blessed with super intelligence and a great memory and I could hide and escape from anything. We were the perfect duo I don't know when I fell for him but I did and I talked to the girls about it and they supported me. But they never said anything to anyone else about it and I was thankful for them.

Mallory could detect heat signatures anywhere and could see expertly in the dark. Trina could influence the weather and fly which was extremely helpful.

As for the boys Huey could hack into anything or destroy anything with an electric pulse his brain spoke to electricity and electronics. As for mark he could Astral project so he could leave his body and go anywhere and he could heal.

The last mission was the worst by far. I wasn't told of what it was just the I needed to be a viable distraction. As soon as I was briefed on the location it was at my parents house and I had a sinking feeling but never the less. My parents had no idea about what I am or what I do just that I have a close group of friends. I enter the house with them and greet my family . Most of it is a blur but my team collectively got up after issac left the room and my parents were in the living room.

I left the living room going to tell them all something funny when they were standing in front of a door acting strangely and I asked where Issac was and nobody could answer so I pushed passed them and opened the door to my sisters room and there he was.. fucking her.

I lost air in my lungs my mom was screaming in the background after seeing the sight and I started to exit the room when I was pushed into another. Issacs hands were on my shoulders "Casey it didn't mean anything it was a part of the mission I had to do anything to get her not to like the man she wants to be with he's going to be a dictator and kill her"

So you had to have sex with her?!

"Casey I'm sorry I don't want to be with her I lo-"

He was cut off by my mom yelling "oh you're going to fuck both of my daughters ?" And I think that's when I lost it, nothing mattered to me anymore I ran out of the room and everyone was screaming my name to come back knowing that if I ran it would be hard to ever find me. All I could hear was "he didn't mean it " I went and locked myself in the bathroom and turned on the faucet and put my phone in the cabinet and jumped out of the second floor window after I landed on my feet I ran and never looked back.

Ever since that day I wear a wig and fake contacts and work in a facility without phones or cameras . I work at a special library with rare books so no cameras and no phones. I work with my (normal ) bestfriend Fiona or Fi for short and I've been here for 4 months. It's a high security place so of course a lot of people work here but we keep inventory.

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