Dream: 8

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We were all in a cabin in the middle of the woods. "there has to be a reason why they are after us" Jill said "Well no shit Jill they tried to kill all of us." max said obviously annoyed the rest of us out of the 6 were quite. "What makes you think us all being together in isolation were they could easily kill all of us is safer?" Natalie said I was sitting there absorbing everything in and I couldn't take it. I got up to walk but then i felt light headed and I started to stumble and arms reached out to steady me "are you okay" everyone asked simultaneously and I couldn't breath i quickly nodded and i began to run away while they called for me.. i ran into the greenhouse and stood there and closed my eyes and breathed in and felt another wave of light headed fuzziness

A arm steadied me as I held my head and I looked at him shocked "How..how did you know?" he smiled and said "I just got a feeling" and then i smiled and got another wave of dizziness and then everyone else showed up and they all put their hands on me and then the door shut and the windows shut and then i said "huh that's funny I was just thinking about how it was too bright in here.... Oh. my. god.. I did this" they all looked at me and said "You have been reincarnated welcome back leader" and then this burst of energy shot out from the ground and I remembered everything.

I was a leader and I helped keep the world safe from heaven but demons from hell came and pushed us onto earth and we were all born again and waiting for the moment when we can truly awaken. I snapped out of my vision and hugged everyone while we all said welcome back to one another. and then I said "I know why they were trying to kill us because they knew we were chosen " and everyone was nodding. "I have a son " I gasped and searched among their faces but none of them were him and then I got a vision " He hasn't awaken yet we need to find him before he does because he is very young and will be scared without me" Jill looked at me and said "Okay everyone I just came up with an excellent plan because that is ne of my gifts I guess... Everyone look at me now I am going to use my gift to make us all look normal. "

She moves her hands and we all look like teenagers and then Natalie says "I will transport everyone okay everybody put a hand on me" and we all do so and then we are at the mall and I feel my senses burning as I search for my reincarnated son and then i see this boy with a lady followed by men in suits. "Damn it the people who tried to kill us are here" tom said and then I could the boy yelling "take me back to the children's home I hate it here.. I hate you" and then I was kinda relieved my son got reincarnated as a orphan and not somebody's real kid. I was standing in the food court becasue it had been a while of keeping an eye on him so I decided to take a small break and then halfway across the food court I heard the kid yell "mommy" and I thought no way and then the lady answered "yes" and then he said "your not my mommy" and then I turned around with my group getting there food and I look at him and he looks at me and then I just knew and so did he because he wiggled out of the grip

And ran into my arms "Mommy I missed you" and I smiled "I missed you too my little Will" then he said "Why are we here? I miss home " and then I felt max tap me on the shoulder and then he said "Your my girlfriend, your confused act stupid and then on my que I want you to run and meet us under the bridge at the park" I nodded "sorry about my girlfriend she really loves kids after we lost ours a while ago she hasn't been the same" the lady was saying something but I couldn't hear and then while everyone was distracted I slowly slipped away and then as I was about to leave a guard tried to grab Will and he cried and I grabbed on to the guys arm "Touch my son again and you'll die" and the guy turned black and fell to the floor and I heard another guard yell "she's one of them"

So I held Will tight and I ran as fast as my feet would take me and we escaped and went under the bridge where he layed on me and fell asleep and I started to dose off when I felt a hand on my shoulder and it was Max "Turns out Tommy's family is rich so we will being staying over at one of there beach houses tonight" and I slowly got up and then got transported to the house and fell asleep with everyone on this huge couch

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