Dream: 30

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My friends are cocky. I mean.. I can't really blame them. We've spent all of our time analyzing what we call missions and trying to calculate risks and any other effecting factors. Any mission that we've decided is worth while we've conquered. I suppose it also helps that we have super powers but that's neither here nor there.

They (the rest of the group) wanted to prove that I was the best out of all of them so they created a "mission".. They started to flood a building but the thing is I was supposed to have time to assess where the water was coming from and try to contain it. That's not what happened at all. As soon as they left me the water started pouring in... Something was wrong, terribly wrong and I'm in the middle of it.

The water is wild like it belongs to the ocean and everything is filling so quickly. Cold wetness coats my body and I feel like a ton of bricks as I jump over obstacles and seal the door behind me. I'm barricading it shut to buy myself time.

This building is absolutely huge so I'm starting looking in every room possible with god speed because real people were in this building. Real people who are now in danger because of my asshole friends.

Hello everyone. Please remain calm and quickly exit out of the left exit.

Everyone looked at me like I was speaking another language. I mean I get the heavy breathing is a bit off putting but I can't seem to catch my breath.


Well that seemed to do the trick because everyone started running and grabbing eachother. Now to the next room with 5 smiling faces. I'm filled with rage.

You guys are fucking idiots! The water started coming as soon as you guys left. The water is alive and on a warpath! This isn't fucking funny guys! There are real people in here!

No.. it wasn't supposed to go like that... Are you sure?

My eyes snapped to John who nervously laughed. I don't have time for jokes.


EVAC is a last resort that we don't really use. EVAC is a sign of desperation. My whole body feels so heavy and I'm desperate. I'm supposed to be the group leader, I suppose the group tank.


They all look mortified.

"I swear this wasn't supposed to happen."

All I can feel was anger rolling over me as I slam my eyes shut trying to steady myself.

We can just leave Ria.

Something snapped in me and my eyes opened.

Incase nobody has noticed there are innocent civilians in this building. I'm not just going to fly out of here and leave them to die! This is NOT WHAT WE ARE ABOUT. You guys put real lives at risk! You were RECKLESS!

A sigh escaped my lips.


Everyone quickly moves to the stairway to assist evacuation from the unflooded stairway and John stops in front of me and grabs my face.

Are you sure you want to do this?

I pull my face away from him as he tried to search my eyes for something. If he does anymore searching he'll be able to tell that I don't feel like myself and I can't have that. My roll is to make sure everyone gets out even if I don't make it out myself.

These people don't deserve this.

Then I'm staying with you.

I rolled my eyes. I can't possibly entertain this with lives on the line. I take a door and he takes a door and I bust in. It's classroom full of young children.

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