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Guys! we need to get out of here.. This doesn't feel right.

[Bronzer] Kassy? Where did you come from?

What do you mean? and Kassy? Where did you get that name from?

[Marcy] You came out of nowhere.. Kassy Is that really you?

Why wouldn't it be me? Guys what's going on? Why do you guys keep calling me Kassy. Are you messing with me.?

[Donnie] We've been looking for you for about 2 years.

[Kendra] I'm surprised you recognize us.

My breath hitched in my throat. Could it be them? Actually them? My real friends? OR is it this alternate universe playing a trick on me? I mean the copies of my real friends think my name is Kattie for some reason and I have been Kattie for 2 whole years so hearing my real name sounds sounds sweet but so bitter because I can't separate reality from fantasy. What can I do to see if it's actually them..? This universe seems to be the closet one I've been to that seems like home the others were odd...

What happened before I fell through the floor the day after my birthday?

[Patrick] You were talking to me about conspiracy theories and I gave you the birthday present I had been waiting to give you and then later that night you felt sick and started mumbling about.. interdementional travel. We thought you were loosing your it. We checked what you were drinking but it was only peach tea. You were so disorientated but you put the necklace on that I got you that had the tiniest infinity sign engraved on the back and then you looked at us scared and you said you didn't know when you would be back and before we could ask what you meant you were gone poof, you fell right through the floor. 

It's really you guys! Oh thank god! The fake versions of you guys are so weird they are like literal copies of you guys but they constantly whisper to each other and look at me oddly and they preform a lot of magic and make me join them... wait a minute if you guys are here.. and I felt the ripple then where are they?

I pushed them further under the bushes and held my finger up to my lips.

That's them. They are your copies now I'm going to give you guys a signal and you have to trust me.. I'm going to give you a signal and I want you to run to that yellow house.. That's my house and I want you guys to go up the stairs into the first room on the right. When you are in there make sure you shut the door behind you and you will see a picture of a yellow sky and red trees.. I want you to take this necklace and put it on the base of the tree. and enter the room quickly and wait for me.

[Nina] What about you Kassy? It's not safe.

I've lived with them for 2 years just do as I ask and then we can get out of here you have my solid word.

They nod and I carefully run behind a tree being careful not to be seen. I throw my hood on, put earbuds in and stuff my hands in my pockets and begin to walk, pretending to be lost in my sorroundings. I felt a light tap on my shoulder and I pretended to jump. I turned around to see the copies.

[Patrick 2.0]  Babe, where have you been? I've been worried sick about you we've been looking everywhere for you

He pulled me into an embrace and kissed me.

[Nina 2.0] Yeah, It's not safe out here by yourself.

At that comment shivers went down my spine and I could feel myself getting pale. How could they be so alike?

[Donnie 2.0] You don't look so good Kattie

[Kendra 2.0] Yeah, and you've been acting strangely lately, always walking by yourself and staying in your house for long periods of time.. Is there something we should know?

They were all so close knit I could feel myself suffocate.

[Bronzer 2.0] You guys know she hasn't been the same after her accident, I found her remember? Give me a few to talk to her everything will be fine.

They all survey him closely and all agree to trust him While he throws his arm around my shoulder and we walk about 12 feet away from them and he nervously looks at me and speaks in a low tone.

[Bronzer 2.0] I need you to play along.

I was confused but I nodded.

[Bronzer 2.0] Look distressed like your crying and they will back away more now keep pretending that your crying loudly so I can tell you this.

I start crying and he pulls me into a hug.

[Bronzer 2.0] I know who you are and I know you aren't Kattie. Listen to me and listen carefully Kassy, You are the only copy of you so when you enter worlds it acts how it would be if you existed there. I don't know why I am the only one aware here but you need to leave here, you're in danger they want to use you for something bad and you won't ever be safe. I need you to leave as soon as possible okay? I will stall them tonight but please get out of here. don't bring this up infront of them because I will deny every word because I must keep my cover.. You have until morning. Hug me if you understand.... Good now be grateful their coming.

Thank you so much Bronzer! I feel so much better now.. You're the best! I don't feel so alone anymore.

[Patrick 2.0] I feel like you give him more attention than you give me and I'm your boyfriend!

Are you kidding me?

[Patrick 2.0] Like I don't see the way you two look at eachother..

For fucks sake Pat he saved my life! So yeah I'm automatically going to be a bit closer to him but you're my boyfriend not him he was just confirming for me that you still cared about me because lately all you want to do is hangout with Nina and Donnie and not me! So Bronzer was reassuring me that you cared about me since you don't fucking talk to me! but go ahead accuse me of doing so many bad things when I'm always ALONE. ATLEAST BRONZER ACTUALLY TALKS TO ME AND GIVES ME ATTENTION AND DOESN'T ACCUSE ME OF FAKE BULLSHIT!

His eyes got big when the ground started to shake and that's when everyone realized how mad he made me. Bronzer knew what I was doing.

[Patrick 2.0] Babe, I'm sorry I-I didn't mean it

They were all giving him looks like "Fix this" he went to  touch my shoulder

Don't fucking touch me.

Some unforseen force Pushed him a few feet back, the others were trying to pursue me

Get the fuck away from me.

[Bronzer 2.0 ] Alright everybody! let's cool down and continue this in the morning with a group meeting.

I stormed off angirly to my house and locked the door and ran up the stairs to my room and locked that door and put my bed infront of it. I was thankful that I didn't have any windows in my room and I mumbled a phrase and the hidden room opened and I entered and the door shut behind me and everyone was staring at me.

[Patrick] Babe huh?

I had to adapt and I don't really want to see your face right now

[Nina] Trouble in paradise? what did he do now?


Guys we don't have time for this.

[Donnie] What happened out there?

Well Bronzer or Bronzer 2.0 told me I wasn't safe and needed to get out of here.

[Kendra] Do we even trust him? No offense Bronzer.

Do we really have a choice..

[Unison] No.

Alright so here's the plan..

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