Dream: 25

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"We need to go! The threat is at large!! We can only take a few people with us.. You know what to do... I never thought I'd have to say this but we have 48 hours!"

It all hit me like a truck.. My mom's words were sinking into me. I mean of course we knew this was a possibility and we were prepared for this but never did we ever think it would actually happen. Well.. our ancestors warned us of this day.

The day the creatures would come looking for us on Earth.. We've had generations here without being found. I wonder what changed...Nobody knew our original origins and we hadn't done anything different recently.. at least I don't think we have. Staying hidden was always our speciality.

"Alana! Are you even listening ? We've been looking for you everywhere ! Spencer included. Now it seems like you're somewhere far away.."

Yeah right! I couldn't possibly tell her what's going on with me.. It would all be too much for her on top of everything else.

Spencer? Where is he?

That's a name I haven't heard in a few days.. A name I wasn't expecting to hear. After our fight I thought he wouldn't want anything to do with me.. Now my mom says he's been looking for me too? I didn't think I was that hard to find. I'm just trying to keep a low profile.

"He's around here looking for you.. Look I have to go I'll see you at the ship in 48 hours.. I have to get into contact with your brother "

Looking for me? Did he say why?

"That he needs to talk to you. He doesn't look good Alana he looks very tired and not like himself. So go find him and I'll keep in touch "


Talk to me ? Oh man probably to finally finish us off.. He's sick of having to keep my family's secrets.. I mean I don't blame him. It's truly a lot to handle but I only told him because I thought he was in it for the long run. Maybe I was wrong.

With that I was wandering on my own this is all quite a bit to process.. All of this, whatever this is.


He seems relieved to see me?


He runs up to me and hugs me. What's going on?

I'm so sorry.

Where have you been?

At my Parents house to try to wrap my head around everything and I'm so sorry.. Al, I've been such an ass to you.

Tears start to leak from my eyes uncontrollably.

Spence we have to leave here.. It's not safe here anymore for us

He holds me tighter.

Shh, I know baby. I already talked to your mom. Everything is going to be okay.

We sway side to side as he holds me.

You talked to my mom?

Yes, we had a long talk and I realized a lot and that's why I had to find you.

We sway more in each others hold before he broke the silence.

So after our fight, I've had a lot of time to think and..

He holds me tight and then gets on one knee and all the air in my lungs freezes. This isn't what I think it is.. Is it? I thought he was going to leave me?

Alana, these past couple days made me realize that I can't live without you by my side... Will you Marry me?

With my hands over my heart I can't stop crying and nodding as he wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead.

Now it isn't much, but it was my grandmothers.

I beam proudly as he slides it onto my finger and kisses me tenderly. The ring is absolutely beautiful it's everything I could've wanted.. It's truly perfect.

We're going to be such a cute little family ! I can't wait to be a dad!

He places his hand over my little bump and rubs it excitedly.

Yes we are.

I can't stop smiling because for once everything feels right but the thing is.. This little bump is exactly what's been "going on" with me. I haven't told her I'm pregnant and up until now I thought Spencer was going to leave me and I was going to be alone so I just haven't had the right time to tell my mom.

I don't think there ever will be a right time now.. If we ever have to fight this enemy creature that's on earth searching for us, I can't help fight... The best thing about us is we were all trained in individual and team combat but we work fluently as a team and without me we aren't a well oiled machine. I was allowed to live a normal lifestyle to "blend" but I've become very comfortable with this life and I will not put my child at risk.

Are you okay baby?


Maybe she already knows. Spencer said he talked to her so maybe he told her and she let us sort through all of this ourselves.

He shifts next to me.



Your mom is calling me.

He takes me to his car and we get in to call her back with some privacy.

"Is Alana with you ?"



Why what's going on?

"Well you know how your brother and his wife were going to a dig site to look for old remains?"


"Well they ended up finding some material from our origins and when he touched it there was a reaction.. "

What happened ?

"What he touched was basically an incubator for the creature and when he touched it, it came to life and took form of various large objects and started killing people, trying to get to them"


"We have less time then originally planned.. Your brother is already at the meeting place with Emily. Come as soon as you can I have to go assess their wounds "

With that she hung up. Of course my brother and his scientist wife would discover something that could kill us all.. As if things already weren't complicated enough.

Well.. we have to go.

What about your family?

They have knowledge of your existence apparently they've known for a long time and kept it secret.. even from me. They will be safe. They want me to go with you.

Are you sure?

You're my family now.

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