Dream 13

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Everything seemed kinda faded. Faded as in the sense that everything appeared to be almost grey it was almost like the world surrounding me had lost its color. Like life had lost meaning. I breath in the cool crisp air and take in my surroundings, I was standing at the edge of a cliff that lead to a ravine. Was I about to jump? I had no clue. The clothes I was wearing were very strange, strange in the sense that it felt like nature had handcrafted them. My arms were the same tan color only they sparkled like someone puked silver and blue glitter all over me I shimmered as light hit me and I was in color. Nothing up to this point had made sense to me, I took in a big breath of air and closed my eyes. 

"Moonchild Don't jump" Was that my name? Not my real one but we had to leave our old Identites behind and because I was obsessed with nighttime and spent alot of my time stargazing on my own, I was gifted with a new name. Since I was gifted and all... Well I wouldn't say gifted I was more or less a fairie. Oh, Sunbeam why have you come out here? I say as I lazily glance over at the gold and yellow shimmering girl behind me. She clears her throat nervously, "It's been dawn for the past 5 hours and we've all been worried sick about you and you're effecting the day schedule" I laughed and sat on the edge of the cliff and let my legs dangle. 

Sorry to break your heart sweetheart but I am only incharge of the night.. My connection stays faithful to the moon... Why don't you find sunchild? Sunchild works with the daylight and the brightness. "The last time I saw sunchild he said he was looking for you because something wasn't right and you two need to talk but when nobody could find you he became worried sick" I sat there swinging my legs and I digested the words that were spoken to me. "Over here, but don't get too close" Wow didn't know the whole fucking lot was looking for me.

Sunbeam already explained but I am MOON child which indicates I'm a child of the night. So what makes you think I can find my polar opposite who is in charge of all things bright? And why the hell don't you ask sunbeam? or sunflower? Sunlight? or anyone from that sector.? Why come find me? I am the only one in the night sector and I normally sleep during the day and this is my happy place  so this better be good.

I sigh loudly "He left to find you and without him we won't have any sunlight.. you need to find him." Oh boo hoo no sunlight don't see how this bothers me. I live in the lush darkness with al my night creatures my beautiful creatures.. "You are still one of us Monchild, You're the advisor of the head council.. and sunchild is head and he needs you" I lean forward closer to the ravine and everyone started to gasp. "Don't jump" 

~So earlier when I said I was like a fairie.. Well we all are fairies reincarnated and some of us are new fairies but we arent those tiny little speck fairies we were born into human bodies meaning we look just like everyone else except we have some kind of unnatural beauty and we are really sparkly like the vampires from twighlight and we can make fairie dust and all that but the capability of the dust and the color and strength all depends on what kind of  fairie you go to.. We aren't all the same like a I previoulsy said I am the only one in night sector but I won't bore you with all the sectors because it exhausts me to think about.. Anyways the point of this is most of us can't fly or havent 'unlocked' the ability so its rare to see one of us with wings or flying and the ones that can fly hide their wings from the others simply by not wanting them to be seen and well you'll see why that's relevant~

Don't jump aye? and why not? I laughed sick like "We need you to find him, If you jump you'll die" I looked at them with challenging eyes Death is an old friend of mine  and then I scooted to the edge and dropped feeling the wing through my air while everyone is gasping and screaming and in that second it felt like time stopped because I wasnt falling anymore I was floating, my legs several feet from the ground. I always had a hunch I could fly. I looked at my wings and they were huge and almost luminescent like They were Silver and Blue and they were beautiful. and I flew up the ravine my hand caressing the edge as I flew up.

Wild gasps littered the air as they saw me and they couldn't take their eyes off of my wings I landed with force because I was irritated If I find him and get your precious sunlight back will you leave me alone? And ofcourse nobody was responsive they all just kept gaping at my wings. Alright sincw none of you can answer me we can talk about this later. Everyone just kind of nodded breathless and speechless like mindless zombies it physically hurt to look at them like that. 

I took a running start and jumped and I was flying the first place I was going to check was my home because he knows I mostly sleep during the day. He's the only person who knows how to get in my house because I trust him. My wings carried me so fast I was home within the blink of an eye. In my sky room I see a collasped sunchild sobbing so I land outside the doors and walk in. Now my last encounter with sunchild didn't go very well.. Alot of yelling and then I stopped talking to everyone and I avoided him. Hey,loser what's wrong? We always joked around like that in private. He still hasn't looked at me You asshole I was worried sick about you, I needed to talk to you about what happened a week ago he starts to dry his tears and he looks up at me and his eyes get huge. Can I touch them? He begins to move toward me and carefully runs his hands along my wings.

So I'm really sorry.. I didn't mean to get angry about you supporting the idea of having trips to the human world it's just if we are exposed we are in danger. I didn't mean to call you an Idiot or irrational or kick you off the council and start a huge fight with you. It just bothered me that you took a visit to the human world and didn't ask.

I didn't ask because I knew the answer would be no. I was taken from my family by you guys, I loved being human and then I get taken here and get told I have to hide away for the rest of my life and forget about my family? MY family were worried sick about me it was only after I told them I went to an out of state college with no reception that they stopped looking for me! The police were searching for me Collin! The fucking police. My family would've lived the rest of their lives thinking I was dead because you guys didn't let me say goodbye. They begged for me to come home but I came back after everything. I only suggested some days we go to the human world like Halloween or when people cosplay plus we have magic that could make us look normal. We need to see what they know about us.. How can we if we are cooped up here?

He faces me and puts his hands on my shoulders Look I'm sorry I didn't listen to you.. I feel awful and not being able to talk to my besfriend is terribly Melanie. The reason why I freaked out is because I don't know what I'd do without you and I was worried sick that something could've happened to you.. Melanie  or Moonchild I love you. It was at this point I choked on air. I couldn't ealieve what my ears were hearing and at that point I was like how everyone else was when they saw my wings, breathless and he took advantage of that moment and kissed me. I could feel my brain failing. I was loved and in that moment I glanced up at the sky and we made an eclipse and I tapped on his shoulder and pointed up and we both looked in awe. We made this and I couldn't stop grinning because as a kid I thought eclispes were the most beautiful thing.

I looked back down at him Collin I mean Sunchild! You have wings. They were beautiful Gold and silver and they shimmered so bright. We looked at eachother and couldn't stop smiling who would've known my complete opposite would be the one for me? Surely I didnt. As the sun began to rise we walked out hand and hand to see our people.


So should I m,ake this one a legit story or leave it?

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