Dream: 31

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"You've made it yay! Happy Birthday!!"

Are we really celebrating that I'm alive another year? Living is my huge accomplishment?

Thank you so much! I'm so happy everyone could make it!

My eyes scan the whole surprise party and land on one person. What the fuck is he doing here? Also, why the fuck is he looking at me like that?

Please enjoy the party my best friend Marissa worked so hard on! I will be around to mingle with everyone.

I wish I could yell at him and tell him that I didn't fucking invite him. The truth is, I didn't invite any of these fucking people because it was a surprise. So if Marissa invited this guy she better count her days.

His eyes haven't left me since the second I got in here. I walk to the balcony in hopes that he follows me and it looks like I'm right as he closes the doors behind us.

What the hell are you doing here?

I understand that you're upset.

I'm so angry I'm starting to laugh.

Upset? You have severely underestimated my feelings.

Sophie I-

I was SO fucking scared Alec! You DIED!  I flew over to you with speed I thought wasn't possible and then I brought you back from the dead and almost died myself.. I wake up and you're gone with the rest of the group and I'm somewhere I don't even know.. I was left alone to figure out how to live this normal fucking life.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to steady myself. I'm not going to cry.. I'm stronger than that.

I guess this is what I get for falling inlove with The Chosen. I haven't seen any of you in a year and on my birthday you decided to come and say hello to me? Thank you so much for dropping in but go fuck yourself Alec.

I've got nothing else to say to him. I turn quickly and walk towards the doors to the balcony and just as my hand touches the door his hand firmly grabs my other arm and spins me around.

I hurt you.. We all did. You healed all of us and you made solutions to make us all stronger and you risked your life and then the day when you take the biggest risk and almost die.. Everyone is gone. Will you let me explain what happened? After I explain you can decide if you never want to talk to me again but please give me this chance to truly tell you what occurred after you healed me.

I slowly pull my arm out of his grip and a loud sigh escapes my lips as I walk toward the balcony again. I can't look into his eyes this close again because all I'll feel is pain.

When I died I was visited by some kind of entity. They told me of how when you were created your soul carried ancient magic. If you were raised differently I would've been fighting you instead of Jameson.. That's how powerful you are. When you healed me you killed the rest of Jameson's army and then you almost died.

I killed the rest of an army? I don't believe that's possible.. I mean I heal and I can take life forces but not that many at once.. I can feel the shock on my face.

After what happened you were a living target for anyone to use so the entity's took you and whisked you away to somewhere unknown and none of us were permitted to look for you for a year. They made you untraceable and we waited a whole year so we could hunt you down. I thought about you every single day.

Things can't just go back to the way they were. This is just too much. I need to go home and tell Jess I don't need her there.

Who's Jess?

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