Dream: 2

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There was this man who I've never even seen before and his name was papa. Everyone from our town (because we lived in the country) was in our huge barn hiding. I was a farm girl. Even though I looked like me (thankfully) and talked with my voice I was a farm girl. I looked at him and said " Papa why is everyone hiding?" He looked at me and said "sweetie I have been looking for you everywhere. I need you to get out of here darlin before it's too late." I was confused and I said " papa what's going on?" He simply said "they have finally come and I can't protect you no more little one" as the realization came to me I said "papa how are we going to escape?" He responded with a sigh and said " I hate to admit it but you aren't so little anymore and the people have noticed that you aren't like them as you become grown."

I was so sad " papa what do you mean? Why are you so sad ?" He looked truly heartbroken " I mean you always knew that you were different ever since the day you were dropped off at my front door. People started to figure out that you weren't really mine. So they knew you were different and they reported you"
I honestly didn't know what to feel "papa why? Who did they report me to? " He looked a bit frustrated but not with me " we are supposed to report people who aren't normal folk like ourselves to the higher authority"
At that moment I sank to my feet and started crying and he brought me into a hug and said " I may not be your family by blood but to me you are blood you are the only thing I have little one and I want to keep you safe and alive even if that means I won't be"

now papa owned a car yard with a whole bunch of old cars and he finally got me to stop crying and he had a whole bunch of keys in his hand and with his free hand he grabbed mind and he walked me through his car yard " I'm going to give you one of the best cars I have because I love you and I need you to get out of here" he looked straight with a furrowed brow and yelled at one of his employees and said "where are half the cars here?" The employee said " the government took all the nice ones" then papa whispered to himself " it's worse than I thought."

He started to slowly raise his voice and said " I have a really nice one over here I hid it so nobody would find it" but then right after he said that a group of government people said " that's her there she is" and papa screamed " no you can't have her" and he lunged toward them but they knocked him down and I said " papa noo" he said " I love you soo much little one run for your life and follow your heart you will know the right place to go" I screamed "I can't leave you" tears were streaming down my face and the people started advancing towards me. And he said one word and one word only before they knocked him out " Run"

so I start running and I see these alien like ships floating with only huge wires dragging on the ground when I say huge I mean like the size of trees. So then all of the sudden my dream thinks it's cool to play hardcore dubstep as I'm running and jumping and dodging these cords as these people are chasing me was intense I saw a corn field up ahead and I kept running and I heard voices behind me say " Stop running child we won't hurt you" for a split second my mind said do you believe it and I said no. " we are sorry we didn't mean to scare you... Please slow down." Now I'm hiding in this corn field realizing I'm the only one who knows it.

So I get on my hand and knead and crawl. Because if they look they won't be looking down. So I take a whole bunch of turns until I get to the maze part and then I get up and run. I know this maze more than anybody else does so I start to fish through my memory in thoughts of what would bring me to the road. (which happens to be a dirt road) and I run down the road and I see someone and I catch up to them and I smiled and said " hey would you like to switch jackets ?" They looked at me like I was crazy because mine was better than theirs. And they said "sure"

so we switched and they continued on their way and then I ran when I saw a small barn and hid behind it and then I heard " hey stop running" so I peak around the corner and the government people are chasing the other kid. So I started to run before they realized it wasn't me. I came across a few abandoned places when then this hefty guy comes out of nowhere and says "you look like you will do good"

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