The Trip to Hogsmeade

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- outfit for hogsmeade -

Flo woke up earlier then normal

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Flo woke up earlier then normal. She got up out her bed and opened her curtain, so she was able to look out the window.

Two first year were playing in the snow in the courtyard.

Snow was falling down softly like tiny fairies as it floated through the crisp air. The snow blanketed the fresh dewy grass. Snowflakes speckled onto their clothes.

They were smiling while throwing balls of snow at each other.

Flo beamed down happily at the two playing in the snow. They looked so content.

She decided she was going to have a calming shower before going to Hogsmeade.

She grabbed her shower stuff and her outfit for the day and wrapped her towel around herself as she walked to the showers.

She was stopped before she entered the girls shower room.

Coming out the boy's shower room was none other than Fred Weasley.

His towel hung low wrapped around his hips.

He was sculpted to perfection. His defined abs were breath taking. His hair was wet, and his physique was wonderful. She stared at him with a longing gaze.

'Like the view darling?' He said cockily.

'In your dreams Weasley.' Flo replied smiling.

He looked at her intensely, his eyes moving down her body which was wrapped with her towel.

His stare was menacing and seductive.

'I would watch the attitude if I were you.' He spoke with a large smirk as he stepped closer. He leant in and whispered into Florence's ear. 'It's going to get you in trouble.' He said smirking even wider now as he turned his face to face her again.

'See you later Weasley.' She said as she winked at him walking away.

She went to the girl's showers and took a long hot shower.

She got out the shower and changed into her outfit for her trip to Hogsmeade.

When she had finished getting changed, she left the shower room and went back to her dorm.

She entered her dorm and Ginny, and Hermione were getting ready as well.

Flo put on some mascara and eyeliner and said goodbye to her kitten Moony.

They all left to get some breakfast.

They arrived and walked up to sit with some Gryffindors and her friend Lexi from potions was also there eating happily.

They were all sitting at the far end of the table nearer to where the teachers were sitting.

Before Flo sat down, she waved to Remus who was sitting on the teacher's table.

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