The Morning Before

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Softly fluttering her eyes open, groaning as she stretched out her limbs and pulling off the covers. Florence Lupin was ready for her game, and she was not letting anything stop her. Jumping out her bed and turning on her record player as her Quidditch songs started playing to get her revved up. Songs like Maneater, Pumped up Kicks and lots of One direction.

She started by making her bed which she rarely made, she got into her Quidditch Jersey with her chosen number she had had since she joined the team.

Florence sat at her dressing table and did her hair in two French braids. Then she rolled up her socks and put on her shoes and did some stretching.

It being very early in the morning she read through match plays at the same time as she twirled her wand skilfully in her hand.

She made herself a soothing cup of sage coloured green tea which she sipped slowly. After a while she went out her room to get her idiotic boyfriend, best friend and practically brother out of bed.

Strolling to the twin's rooms first she opened the door to see a Lee Jordan sprawled out on the hard wooden floor like a starfish with a penis sharpied onto his face along with a Fire Whisky bottle in his hand. Smiling to herself she walked over to Lee, as she kissed him on the forehead.

'George?' Lee murmured.

'Oh my god.' Florence whispered as she chuckled to herself, smiling so much more now.

Florence turned round and walked over to Fred's bed. This ginger stupid butt thought he was going to get a nice cuddle, maybe a cute kiss, no way, not after what those three pulled last night.

She walked over to Fred's bed side table, she picked up his wand and turned to him. She then poked him directly in the cheek.

'Weasley...Weasley.' She said seriously as she started poking him again as he groaned in his sleep.

'WEASLEY! GET YOUR ASS UP!' Florence yelled at the top of her voice as she jumped on him.

Fred shook awake as he stared at her in shock.

'Fucking hell, you gave me a heart attack!' Fred gasped.

'Yeh don't pull that complaining shit with me, shower, clean up, get dressed and be ready to go breakfast.' Florence said as she got off him.

'Where do you think you going?' Fred complained as he swung his arm around her waist in order to cuddle her.

'Nope. No way Weasley. Get off me, I need to go and get your stupid fucking brother up as well as Potter who we all know can't handle a drink.' Florence said pushing his arm off her.

'Cuddle me Flo, my annoying beautiful girlfriend.' Fred smiled contradicting himself as he tried to cuddle her once more.

'No fucking way Weasley. Now take some hangover remedy and get your ass up dickhead.' Florence jumped off the bed and stormed over to George.

'GEORGE GET UP!' Florence said as she hit him with the pillow.

'WHAT HAPPENED? WHAT!' Lee exclaimed, on the floor.

'I'm sorry Lee, these two are trying to test me.'

'Oh, you can beat them up, their rather annoying anyway.' Lee said going back to sleep.

'Yeh that's not what I heard.' Florence murmured to herself trying to back bite a smile.

'UH, it's so early.' George groaned.

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