The Happenings in the Night Time

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- smut warning lol ehehehheheheh -

Florence woke up with her head pounding and her skull felt like a punch bag. Her whole body felt like a heavy bulk weighing her down on the bed. She woke up quite early in the morning. She turned round and looked at the wooden alarm clock on the side table and it read 5:00am.

Getting up out her bed to get some water with the overwhelming feeling of sickness lay in her stomach. She thought it would be best to chug some water as water always tasted the best at night anyways and maybe she would feel less sick.

She walked to the door and she still felt slightly drunk as she hobbled through the doorway and to the nearest bathroom. She heard vomiting from outside the door of the bathroom and she opened it wide and there was Lee Jordan with his head in the toilet.

Lee looked up and got up from the toilet and looked at Flo. He looked awful and she knew he felt the same as her.

'Remind me never to drink again.' Lee groaned.

'We say that every time and when have we ever done that.' Flo said with a smile.

But then she walked to the toilet and hung her head over it and vomited into the toilet. Lee walked over and held her hair back and waited for her to finish vomiting.

She then tied her hair up and washed out her mouth with water. She then muttered 'Accio two glasses,' and two came into her hand. She filled the glasses with water and handed one to Lee.

'Thanks.' Lee said gratefully.

'Don't mention it.' Flo said smiling at the boy.

They walked out the bathroom sipping the water and Flo's eyes met the twins who were standing outside the bathroom looking rather pale and with the same sick expression on their faces.

'Well, you two look awful.' Flo said with a smile at the twins as she sat on the floor.

'You look worse.' Fred said with a grin.

'Well, we did just spill our entire guts into the toilet.' Lee groaned.

'God, I think I'm still drunk.' George complained placing his hand on his head.

'Yeh, Fire Whiskey is bloody lethal.' Lee stated.

'I don't think I should have had all those cocktails. I think I overestimated how much I can drink. Blaise can drink way more than I can.' Flo said quietly in the corridor they were all standing in.

'Yeh and the fact you're a light weight.' Fred said with a smile.

'Yeh but I can chug anything faster than you.' Florence said challengingly.

'That's because your fucking awesome.' Fred said.

Then someone appeared in the corridor and he walked towards the four of them.

Sirius Black.

He looked as bad as they did.

'I guess we are all feeling like shit and regret drinking last night.' Sirius said.

'I feel awful.' Flo said palming her face with her hand.

'Yeh me too. Me and Tonks decided it would be funny to drink three bottles of wine. We just wanted to get Remus smashed but ended up all getting completely drunk.' Sirius said in a quiet voice.

'I think we should all head back to bed for a few hours. Then we'll get Hermione to make the hangover tea she always makes for us.' Lee said.

'See you lot later...' Sirius said but before turning round he stated,'Bagsy not waking up Flo.' He sounded like a child in the playground.

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