The Corridor

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- short but spicy -

Flo spent the next few weeks with the twins and Lee pranking first years and singing Mr Brightside down the corridors at the top of their lungs.

Flo had spent her weekends playing in the snow with her friends and taking long walks with her dad.

Flo woke up to the sound of Ginny one Monday morning,

'Florence Lupin get your ass out of bed or I will hex you!' Ginny said with a small laugh.

Flo reluctantly got out of bed grumpy and tired.

She scrambled quickly and put on her robes.

She quickly tied up her hair, put on some mascara, did up her tie and left the dorm for breakfast.

She ran into the twins and Lee in the common room. She walked up to them with a grumpy look and Fred looked just as grumpy.

'Morning. What's up with you?' George asked Flo.

'I want to go back to sleep but your sister insisted on me to get up.' Flo said with an irritable expression.

'Not a morning person ay?' Lee asked.

'Neither is Freddie here.' George said.

'It normally takes me and George at least 30 minutes to actually get his lazy ass out of bed.' Lee said.

'Will you shut up Jordan or I will make McGonagall turn you into a door mat.' Fred spat. Flo laughed as she was now feeling a bit more awake.

Flo walked over to Fred who was struggling to do his tie.

'Here let me.' Flo insisted. He smiled at her thankfully as she tied his tie.

'Thanks darling.' He said with a smirk.

'Once you two have stopped flirting I think we should head to breakfast.' Lee replied smugly.

'Fuck you Lee.' Fred said with his cheeks becoming slightly red at his comment.

They all walked to breakfast but were immediately stopped by the Slytherins who were behind who wolf whistling at Florence.

Suddenly Pucey moves right behind Flo and slaps her ass hard. Flo turns round with anger and rage. She wanted to strangle the boy, but someone had beaten her to it.

Fred had seen what he just did.

'What the fuck did I say about going anywhere near here?' Fred spat now turning round to face Adrian Pucey.

'She's asking for it in that skirt.' Pucey replied with a cocky grin.

At his comment. Fred immediately punches Pucey in the nose with a strong force knocking him to the ground.

Pucey's nose now had a lot of blood falling from it. But Fred didn't stop there, he continued to punch the boy repeatedly in the face and the rest of the upper half of Pucey's body.

Fred held Pucey down, so he was unable to move. Pucey tried to struggle and push the boy off but Fred was too strong.

Lee and George would normally try and hold him back as Fred always got into fights in the middle of the halls but this time Pucey deserved it.

They started to cheer for Fred as more people gathered to watch.

Pucey had now red marks all over his face and body with bruises forming. He was clutching his bleeding nose with fear.

'You even just so look at her, next time not even Madame Pomphrey will be able to fix you when I'm done with you.' Fred spat.

Fred's fists were covered in Pucey's blood. He was still holding the boy down tightly so Pucey couldn't move. But the fight was stopped by a fearful McGonagall.

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