The Reunion

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Wafting winds, blazing sun hit Hogwarts on this very day. Students with their families, relatives and guardians all hanging together and discussing the year so far. The sun blazing like it did so often, illuminating the speckles of happiness in the student's eyes. Needles of grass elegantly swaying with the enchanting sounds of owls and chatter on the grounds. For a second it felt like the Wizarding World was in peace, even though corruption was near for a lot of them.

Beauteous waters reflecting the dainty and majestic presence of Hogwarts school. The cobblestoned walls, homes for so many. A Home, a place of comfort, a sanctuary of pure happiness. Something a lot of people desire but Hogwarts restored and fixed the broken pasts and created a blissful picturesque place to feel upmost peace.

Everything looking even more pristine, joyful and perfected (Filch had definitely scuttled around cleaning every nook and crany for Lord Mistress Shitbridge)

Neville hobbling along with Sirius, laughing with him, something that was stripped from him. A Father Figure. Harry catching up, telling him about the Army formed within the school to fight back.

Florence meandering around the grounds between lessons with her beloved father Remus. They did not intend to match but their jumpers were almost identical.

'You are really beautiful bear,' he would say with his arm around her as they threw stones into the lake with laughter emitting from their lips. The water dazzling the scene, every ripple creating the continuous cycle of circles in the iridescent water.

She hadn't spent time with her father, with Quidditch practise which was hard due to the loss to Ravenclaw. Fred bloody Weasley and all the chaos with Umbridge it was nice for her to catch up with him and explain all the happenings in her life. Leaving out the parts where Fred would fuck her into oblivion but that's besides the point.

She had one more lesson and it was with McGonagall. Shortly after would be her chat with her about her career and her work ethic over the years. Finally, was her Quidditch practise which Remus and Sirius insisted on attending as well as other parents. Tonks had also popped in to accompany them which Florence was excitable about.

Opening the wooden fragments of the wide door to the class Remus let her in first,

'Daughter of mine, first,' Remus stated, not liking the term 'ladies first'.

'Thank you, father of mine.' She giggled softly.

She saw Fred as well as Lee and George beaming, laughing with Arthur about something as Molly slapped Fred gently on the shoulder. Tonks for some reason laughed and Florence looked at her.

'What is it Tonks?' She asked.

'Oh, nothing just could hear their conversation.'

'And?' Florence gave her a go on sort of look. Tonks looked at Lupin and back at Florence.

'They were just commenting on your hair Flo,' She said but winked at her.

Florence would never know what they were babbling on about but that wink definitely stated they weren't talking about her hair.

'Little shit,' Florence said looking over at the fine specimen on Fred Weasley. Her, Remus and Sirius walked over to the Weasley crew, no sight of McGonagall yet.

'Afternoon Lupin,' Fred said to Florence smirking as he looked her up and down subtly. The skirt doing her justice as he looked into her eyes, just her being there made him happier.

'Afternoon Fredrick,' Lupin said, knowing the comment wasn't directed at him, but blatantly ignoring this. This earned a snort from Sirius who was silenced by a nudge from Tonks.

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