The Spitefulness

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The next few days leading up the first task flew by.

Flo didn't say a word to Fred and neither did Lee. She spent most of her time on her own or hanging out with Hermione or Lee.

She had written to her dad about the tournament and told him about the first task which was about to take place.

She felt annoyed with herself as they weren't even dating so she couldn't exactly be angry with Fred. But did their kisses they had shared, the moment in the storage cupboard mean nothing to him. He can't just do those things and then kiss someone else.

Flo the night before the first task when she couldn't sleep went to look over the grounds at the Astronomy tower.

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She had a packet of cigarettes in her hand

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She had a packet of cigarettes in her hand. She didn't smoke, barely ever but she only did it when she felt desolate and alone. She used it as a way of escaping the moment and escaping her corrupting feelings of sadness.

She opened the packet and took one out. She lit it and put it into her mouth. She breathed in and inhaled sharply then she released the smoke into the night air. She watched the cigarette burn a vibrant yellow as she inhaled again.

Flo looked and watched as she exhaled the cloud of smoke floating away with the cool winter breeze.

Tears slowly fell down her face as she looked out beyond the grounds. The droplets fell down gently as they coursed down her soft rosy cheeks.

She turned round and saw someone emerge from the shadows. It was Blaise.

'Hey little one, what are you doing here alone at this time of night?' Blaise said walking up to her.

He realised she was crying, and he ran and hugged her in his arms. She had got quite close with Blaise as she sat next to him in Muggle Studies last term.

They got very close instantly and become very good friends. She thought of him like a big brother.

They were very good friends as they would spend a lot of time walking round the grounds as they both enjoyed going on long walks together to clear their minds.

He always protected her in one way or another like he had done the other day with Pucey and Malfoy.

'Flo, what's wrong?' Blaise said now releasing her from their embrace.

'It's nothing, I'm just trying not to think about it you know.' Flo said with tears falling down her delicate face constantly.

'Can I have one?' Blaise asked signalling to the cigarettes.

'Yeh, help yourself.' Flo smiled at him through her tears and handing him the cigarette packet and her lighter.

He took one out and lit it. He put it to his lips and inhaled and exhaled as the smoke escaped his mouth.

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