The Trials

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CONTEXT WARNING: DRUGS, don't do drugs kids, they are romanticised in this. 

Love you all, also I have a few chapters in my drafts, do you want me to post them all at once or like leave a day or two between posting them. Idm i would love to show you all of them but like up to you xxx 

They wandered through the halls and had now arrived at the Gryffindor Common Room and were slumped down on the sofas by the fire.

'That was the funniest lesson I think I've ever been to.' George said.

'Yeh and I think Fred got a boner when you put that banana in your mouth.' Lee blurted out to Flo.

'I did not!' Fred exclaimed.

'You got hard from a banana in my mouth Weasley?' Flo teased with a giggle.

'Yes...yes he did.' George continued to mock.

'I will beat you all up.' Fred said with a smile.

'That's unlikely. I am way stronger than you Freddie.' Flo said cheekily.

'Is that a challenge?' Fred asked with a grin.

'Yeh there is no way you could beat me.' Flo said.

'You sound confident.' Fred said now standing up and rolling back the sleeves of his white blouse. Flo watched as his arm muscles were revealed and she tried to keep her focus on his eyes, but she couldn't keep her glance off his sculptured bicep.

'All right 10 galleons on Flo winning.' Lee whispered to George.

'I wanted to bet on her.' George whispered back angrily.

'You're too slow. Now you betting or what.' Lee said.

'Fine you're on.' George said.

Flo was now standing opposite Fred with her fists up.

'Aw don't you look cute.' Fred teased with a smile, but he was taken by surprise when Florence ran and pelted into him and knocked the boy over.

'Yes, nice one Flo!' Lee exclaimed as he cheered her on.

Fred got up and tackled Flo to the floor and he was now on top of her. He then pinned her down by her wrists as she wriggled in his grasp.

'Looks like I won.' Fred said still holding her down, but Flo kicked into his stomach and he suddenly released his hold on her and in one swift movement she moved so she was now on top of him. She pinned him down with her elbow.

'You shouldn't gloat to early Weasley.' Flo said with a smug smile.

'Alright you won darling.' Fred said liking it a bit too much that she was on top of him.

'10 galleons Weasley.' Lee said to George.

'Urgh fine.' George said as he reached for his pocket and handed the money to Lee.

Fred when she wasn't looking then moved his hand and pinched her hip and she squealed as he began to tickle her. She giggled as she got off him and he continued to tickle her. She laughed as he then wrapped his arms around her waist and hoisted her over his shoulder.

'Hey no fair!' Flo squealed as she tried to kick the boy to release her.

Fred then dropped her on the sofa and then jumped onto her and wrapped his arms around her. He cuddled her as Flo giggled at his touch.

George and Lee then jumped on top of them crushing Flo.

'Get off me guys. You do this but I can't breathe.' Flo said underneath the boys.

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