The Dynamic Four

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Cheers erupted around the room, people running up to Fred and huddling around him, Ginny smiling very widely as she hugged her brother.

Florence stayed in her position, just watching Fred from a distance, a grin on his face as he ruffled his hair while laughing with his friends.

Lee, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, Cassius, Graham, Blaise lifting him up and shouted joyfully.

Fred got lifted down, fist bumping everyone, as they patted him on the back.

'Fucking well done mate,' Graham said happily.

'Thanks, Gray.' Fred said.

They all went back to the Gryffindor Common Room for a few beers while watching Quidditch on the Projector Tonks and her dad had sent Florence. Florence sat with Hermione and Ginny, but her conscious wasn't focus on the conversation.

Fred Weasley was slumped back on the sofa, his legs spread out and his arms rested behind him on the sofa. He had a cigarette tucked behind his ear as he had one hand holding onto a butter beer bottle. Gripping it as she slowly watched him run his fingers across the glass. Necking it down, the liquid going down his throat as he chatted to Lee, his voice humming down her spine.

The boy licking his lips as he ran his tongue across his bottom lip. In his other hand was his wand, he twirled it around swiftly, moving the long slender bit of wood through and over his fingers. The veins on his fingers accentuated as he clasped onto the wand tightly, looking like he could break the fibres in a single snap of his hand, He was wearing his old Quidditch top, a bit to small from him but showing off his biceps to her eye.

His eyes interlocked with hers, he looked her up and down, running the trace of his eyes down her figure. He gestured for her to come over as he tapped his lap for her to sit on.

Lee decided to go look after George in the Medical Wing, so he left them to it, giving Florence a excitable wink.

She walked over to the boy, and sat on his lap, wrapping her hands around his neck. Florence moved around a bit to get comfy and into the right position.

'Be careful darling, you keep doing that and I won't be able to control myself.' Fred murmured senselessly in her ear.

The humming of his voice setting off arousal throughout her core. She seemed lost for words, a lump in her throat at the boy's whispers.

A few people came into the common room, a group of Gryffindor boys which always had Gryffindor girl's gawk over them. She looked away from the boy at the sound of the boy's entering. But before she knew it two fingers fell under her chin. Tilting her head to face his eyes, he looked deeply into her eyes, then to her lips, his intense and dominant stare piercing through her eyes.

'You keep those beautiful eyes on me love,' He whispered, not breaking the stare he was holding on the girl. She breathed heavily, unable to control herself from this boy's manor. She wasn't used to be this out of control, this boy was doing something to her.

He picked the cigarette from his ear; he lit his cigarette with his wand. Inhaling the smoke into his body as he tilted his head. Parting her mouth with his thumb, caressing it softly as he blew the exhale of his smoke into her parted lips. She then inhaled the smoke and exhaled it into the air above them both. They weren't speaking but they both knew what was on each other's minds. He took another hit as he tilted his head back, showing his neck to Florence, as he exhaled to the ceiling.

'How about I meet you in your dorm in 5,' Fred said into her ear, as she felt him breath down her neck sinfully. She nodded, unable to release any words.

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