The End of term

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Flo woke up and opened her eyes slowly.

She was sitting in a Hospital bed.

Ron was in another Hospital bed across from her. Harry and Hermione were standing over Ron.

As her eyes opened she saw the Twins and Lee standing over her with relieved gazes as she was now awake.

'Flo! You scared us to death.' Lee said.

'What happened? Where's Sirius? Where's my dad?' Flo said trying to get up.

'Flo, you were scratched pretty badly. You need to rest.' Fred said.

Dumbledore comes into the room.

'Dumbledore you've got to stop them!' They've got the wrong man.' Hermione said.

'It's true sir Sirius is innocent.' Harry said.

'We know the truth sir. Please believe us.' Hermione said.

'I do Miss Granger. But I'm sorry to say that a word of three young wizards will convince them.' Dumbledore said. 'Mysterious thing time. Powerful but when meddled with is dangerous. Sirius Black is in the top seller in the dark tower. You know the laws Miss Granger. You must not be seen, and you must return before this clocks last chime. If not, the consequences are to ghastly to discuss. If you succeed tonight more then one innocent life will be spared. Three turns should do it.' Dumbledore said as he winked at Hermione.

He then left the room, and everyone looked at Hermione with confused glanced.

'What is he banging on about?' George said.

'I think he's gone mad.' Fred said.

'What is he talking about Hermione?' Flo asked.

'George, Fred and Lee stay here and look after Flo. Sorry Ron seeing as you can't walk.' Hermione said.

She got out some sort of necklace and placed it around her and Harry. She spun it three times and the two of them vanished.

The clock chimed a few more times. They all looked with astonishment at where Hermione and Harry had just been.

Then suddenly Harry and Hermione came back through the doors smiling happily at them.

'How did you get there? You were just there.' Ron said looking at them with a shocked expression.

'That was a time turner Ron.' Flo explained.

'Sirius is free. He left on Buck-beak.' Harry explained.

'Buck-beak I thought he was dead.' Lee asked confused.

'Remember what Dumbledore said. More than two innocent lives could be spared.' Flo said smiling at them knowing they had saved Buck-beak and Sirius.

The end of the term came round the corner and it was the second last day of term and Gryffindor was playing Slytherin. If they won, this game they would win the house cup.

Flo walked down to breakfast with Hermione and Ginny.

She was wearing Fred's jumper and it drooped over her tiny body.

They entered the Great Hall and sat down with the rest of the people of the table.

Fred looked at Flo beaming with happiness at her in his jumper.

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