The Ravenclaw Game

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'Guys, we go out there and we win this match, Potter you know what to do. The snitch is your entire focus.' Florence said in the stands as they all gather around her with their brooms in hand.

'Got it.' Harry nodded.

'Now Weasley one and two.' Florence addressed the red heads.

'Can we drop the surnames now; we are really sorry for getting drunk.' George said with an innocent and pleading tone.

'I kinda like the surname.' Fred grinned but was shot a sharp glare by Florence which just made him run his tongue on the inside of his cheek as he grinned cheekily.

'Fredrick.' Florence smiled at him innocently knowing he hated this name. George cackled at the name knowing only Molly used it when Fred use to chuck peas at George or when someone was angry at him. It was definitely the second option.

'You're in trouble.' George snickered.

'Why are you forgiving him and not me?' Fred asked.

'Because he apologised sincerely.' Florence smiled at Fred smugly.

'Well, I apologise sincerely.' Fred said with a wide smile.

'I do hope you don't get hit by a bludger.' She said sarcastically with a grin as she flipped him off and turned around.

'Angry Florence.' George said to Fred.

'Angry Florence. Always good before a game.' Fred stated.

'Listen up, we go out there and play like we always do, no slacking, we are staying focussed, they may have Maximus, who may be a world class Quidditch player, but we have been having the best season any Hogwarts team has ever had in centuries. We won the Quidditch Cup, we can fucking do this. So, get your asses out of there.'

'Aggression suits you.' Harry said with a smile.

'Don't test me Potter, now get on your broom and catch that fucking snitch.' Harry gulped and looked at the twins.

'I think your more scared of her then Voldemort.' Fred joked.

'Don't act like she doesn't scared you.' George insisted.

'Yeh but it's hot.' Fred smiled.

'Gross, she's like my sister.' Harry covered his ears.

'Don't worry, your sister is in good hands.' Fred grinned once more as George chuckled.

'Stop Fred!' Harry argued.

'RAVENCLAW VS GRYFFINDOR! This match is going to be a good one. First up to take the pitch, RAVENCLAW!' Lee boomed through the microphone.

Ravenclaw walked past Gryffindor in the stands.

'Florence, Fred, George, Harry nice to see you.' Maximus said next to them, grasping his beaters bat as it was slinging it over his shoulder.

'Hey mate,' George said.

'Uh uh uh. No fraternising, turn your bloody heads around.' Florence tutted to George.

'Ah, angry Florence.' Maximus stated, looking over at the three boys.

'Angry Florence.' Harry stated.

'Potter.' Florence said not even turning round to face them.

'Yeh right sorry.' Harry said turning back around awkwardly.

Ravenclaw took to the pitch, cheers for Maximus. People fan girling over him, screaming his name but this didn't faze Florence.

'KILLIAN FOR THE WIN, KILLIAN FOR THE WIN!' Most of the crowd yelled.

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