The Wooden Spoon

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She woke up the next day and someone was at the end of her bed. Her eyes fluttered open and her gaze followed to Fred Weasley in a vest top. Running her eyes down his arm muscles with his veins coursing down his arms.

'Morning.' Fred said in a low morning voice as he yawned softly.

'Hey Freddie.' Flo said lifting up her body by propping up herself with her arms.

'You ready to head to breakfast.' Fred asked.

She turned around and swung her legs over, so they were now on the wooden floor.

'Um...give me a second.' Flo said.

She realised something without even putting weight on her feet.

Fred's face was now formed with a wide smirk.

'You need a hand?' Fred teased with a grin.

'I'm good.' Flo said in denial.

She then went to stand up and she put weight on her feet and her legs shook as she stumbled onto the floor, but she was grabbed by Fred's long arms as he caught her before she fell to the wooden surface. She refused to look him in his eyes.

'Can you not stand?' Fred smugly asked sounding rather proud.

'Fuck you Freddie.' Flo said now trying to get up.

It took her all her might to stand up and he helped her plant her feet on the floor. She then walked forward, and her hips felt bruised and her entire body was saw. She felt a weight on her feet pull her down, but she was glad that she was now able to walk. She fought through the stiffness and shakiness of her leg muscles and she pulled out her outfit for the day.

'I'll let you change, and I need to go wake up Lee.' Fred said.

'See you later Freddie.' Flo said smiling at the boy as he shut the door and left the room.

Florence got changed still feeling the pain stabbing through her legs and hips.

- outfit -

She muttered a spell which was basically an incantation for the morning after pill

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She muttered a spell which was basically an incantation for the morning after pill.

She left the room and she walked down the steps with a beaming smile and a happy expression. She unsurprisingly was in a very good mood.

Heading downstairs as she walked down and was greeted by the others. Lee and Fred weren't there, and she assumed Fred was poking Lee to wake him up just to annoy him.

She walked into the kitchen and she was greeted by smiles.

Then she sat on the dining table next to Tonks and Sirius and she winced slightly. Remus was in the kitchen making coffee for everyone.

Suddenly as Tonks and Sirius look at Flo they start to laugh softly as they continued to gaze at Florence. Florence suddenly felt confusion cross over her mind as she looked at both of them who were in fits of giggles.

Flower x Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now