The Room of Requirements

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It was the next day and Florence had been put in detention for a whole week now, her hand would heal by Fred caring for it but the next day the cut would open up again, the bleeding would continue, and the pain would be unbearable. But she never let Umbridge see she got to her.

Also, to her delight she had been made the Quidditch Captain for Gryffindor by Oliver as McGonagall told her this morning this morning and she told her friends at breakfast. Cheers erupted through the Gryffindor table.

'Congrats Flo.' Hermione smiled.

'You deserve it mate.' George congratulated.

'Oi Slytherin, your fucked!' Fred shouted across the hall.

'Yeh why's that?' Cass smiled calling out to him.

'LIONESS IS CAPTAIN!' George shouted to them excitedly.

'Then your right!' Graham screamed.

'We are fucked!' Cassius shouted loudly with a laugh causing the hall to laugh at the boys. Fred and George cackled with Cassius and Graham; Flo could tell they all were going to like each other.

'Oh, the posts here.' Lee said looking up at the owls flying in.

A letter dropped from Flo and she looked at it and her eyes went wide.

'Shit you've got a howler.' George looked at the letter with a shocked expression.

'LUPIN'S GOT A HOWLER!' Lee shouted.

'Shut it Lee.' Flo nudged the boy.

'Go on open it.' Fred gestured to it.

Slowly, Florence opened the letter, carefully peeling back the envelope as fear sinked in. Suddenly the letter morphed into a mouth and it started speaking, more like laughing, the laugh of her dad, Lupin.

'Baha, you bloody broke her jaw. Nice one, that's my girl! You're definitely a daughter of mine. You legend!' The howler spoke loudly and most people in the hall were listening and laughing at his words. Angelina looked furious with her neck brace on.

'Next time, you knock her out. Anyways, have fun. Don't get to drunk and look after Lee. He's a light weight. See you in a few weeks Flo!' The howler bellowed and then ripped itself up and the shredded paper fell onto the table.

The whole haul burst into laughter at Lupin's words.

'I love him.' Lee smiled.

'Me too.' Flo giggled.

It was potions first lesson and like Fred had mentioned they were doing Amortentia.

She walked inside the classroom and shot Snape a smile and he did not return one. Due to the lack of people doing Potions this year, Lee and the twins along with a few others from their original class had joined Flo's class.

She went to sit down next to the three boys, and they smiled as she walked over but she was interrupted.

'Miss Lupin, there is no way you're working with those three. I actually need one of my more talented students to focus. You will sit next to Mr Pucey.' Snape stated.

'For fuck sake.' Flo muttered under her breath, there was no point arguing with Snape, so she sat down at the desk with the cauldron on it, right next to Pucey.

'Hey Florence.'

'Yeh, hi Pucey.' Flo stated plainly pulling out her Potions book.

'Apparently it's Amortentia today.' Pucey stated.

'Yeh, you any good at potions?' Flo asked, she may as well make the best out of the awful situation she was in.

'It is my favourite class, I got bumped up to join the older students, that's why I'm here. Pucey replied.

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