The Quidditch World Cup

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It was early in the morning at the Burrow. The large yellow ball of illuminating light was rising up and breaking through the desolate clouds. The morning birds hummed tunefully, and the sounds flew into the window and into Flo's ears.

'Guys get up, we've got to leave in fifteen minutes.' Hermione said coming into the room already fully dressed.

'Just a few more minutes.' Ginny groaned as she put a pillow over her head.

'Get up Ginny Weasley.' Hermione said ripping the covers off the girl. Ginny had her head in her pillow and put up her middle finger at Hermione.

Flo got out her sleeping bag and got changed as well as Ginny. Flo quickly packed a small rucksack for her night stay there. Her, Ginny and Hermione rushed out Ginny's room and down to the kitchen. Flo kissed Mooney and left the room.

- outfit -

There wasn't time to eat breakfast, so Hermione had packed a few things to eat for their journey to the cup

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There wasn't time to eat breakfast, so Hermione had packed a few things to eat for their journey to the cup.

The twins and Lee were up and sitting at the table with mugs of coffee talking between one another.

'Morning sleepy heads, glad you could finally join us.' Fred said smiling at Flo who had sat down and taken Lees coffee from him and started sipping it in a tired state. Ginny had her head on the table trying to go back to sleep. Arthur then came in the kitchen and smiled at all of them.

'Morning everyone, where's Harry and Ron?' Arthur asked.

'I woke them up, they should be coming.' Hermione said.

'Ron is terrible in the mornings.' George said with a laugh.

After a few minutes of drinking coffee Harry and Ron decided to show up.

They all left the Burrow as they were meeting Amos and Cedric. They all walked through the tall pine trees along the curved pebble path as they ventured through the woods.

'Ron where are we exactly going?' Harry asked yawning as he was still tired from having woken up so early.

'Dunno, hey dad where are we going?' Ron asked.

'Haven't the foggiest. Keep up!' Arthur called back to them.

They all walked through the vast woods and through the wildlife. Flo felt like she had been walking forever before she heard a voice ahead of her.

'Arthur! It's about time son.' Amos said. He was standing by a tree and he had obviously been waiting quite a while for them.

'Sorry Amos, some of us had a bit of a sleepy start.' Arthur said looking back at Ron and Harry. 'This is Amos Diggory everyone. He works with me at the Ministry.'

Suddenly Cedric came plummeting down from the tree. He smiles warmly at Arthur then looked back and spotted Flo.

'This strapping young man must be Cedric, am I right?' Arthur said shaking Cedric's hand.

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