The Parent's Day

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'Wait how come you guys are here so early, not that I'm complaining.' Lee smiled.

'Thought we would pop in, you know reminisce the old times of our youth,' Sirius said, mocking Remus's voice with a laugh which made them all laugh.

'I'm here because I want to see if there are any hot teachers, I can go off to shag,' Remus said in his best Sirius voice. While dramatically running his hand through his hair like Sirius black once did which made people fall at his feet back at Hogwarts.

'Oh, shut up Remus, I don't do that with my hair!' Sirius protested.

Florence and the others all scoffed knowing that was a lie.

'Please Sirius, you took longer than Dumbledore trying to walk up the Great Hall.' Remus implied.

'Yeh and he's ancient, like my Great Aunt Tessie.' George said with a smile, making Lee's heart flutter.

Then Harry, Ron and Hermione walked through the door into the common room.

'Harold!' Sirius roared, smiling as Harry ran up to him.

'Sirius!' Harry smiled even more.

'Glad I could be here, Minnie let me be your guardian for the day as well as Neville's. Very pleased you're not in great peril. It does happen every year.' Sirius said.

'You're not wrong there.' Ron stated.

They all talked for a bit, catching up with each other, telling stories before breakfast.

'Alright assholes, I'm going to go spray paint the Potions Classroom, you coming Moony?' Sirius looked at the man with pleading eyes.

'You know every time you and James would drag me into your pranks it never ended well for anyone.' Remus looked at him.

'Oh, but you know we always found a way to drag you into them, want me to tickle you again with a Quill?' Sirius stated with a smirk.

'Alright fine, let's hope you can't get detention anymore from Minnie, our records were appalling especially yours.' Remus said.

Fred, George and Lee snickered looking at Florence knowing she was just as bad, and the four were just as badly behaved as the Marauders.

'Ok you guys go enjoy being stared at while you eat by the entirety of the staff.' Sirius said, slapping Remus on the back. They both got up, Sirius winking at them all and Remus smiling widely back.

'I'm gonna say it. Sirius is a dilf.' Lee blurted out.

'What's a dilf?' Fred and George asked at the same time.

'Dad I'd like to fuck.' Lee grinned. Fred bolted out laughing and George smiled at the boy and Florence palmed her forehead with her hand.

'Jordan, he's my godfather!' Florence exclaimed.

'Not blood related though,' Lee winked which earned him a slap on the shoulder which he dramatically responded to by falling on the floor.

'You killed me bitch, deceased, dead, never gonna live my life and be a Professional Quidditch Commentator! Everything. The light! Oh, the light!' Lee said as he pretended to die. His eyes shut and his tongue out. Florence laughed with the twins at the boy.

'Remind me why we are friends with him again?' Fred asked.

'Because I'm cool,' Lee said from on the floor.

'I thought you were supposed to be dead?' Florence said peering down at the boy.

'I pulled a Harry, I survived Voldemort's twin, Mrs Voldy,' pointing at Florence with a smile.

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