The Shopping Trip

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This chapter is just super cute! Leave any suggestions and don't forget to vote if you enjoy. I love you all so much and thanks for 60k reads. You all mean so much to me!! Emily xx

After the whole tap dancing incident, Flo went upstairs and went back into Regulus's room and got into a towel for a shower.

She wrapped it round her body and grabbed a few things for the shower.

She then walked out Regulus's Room and made her way to the nearest bathroom.

She got to the door, but someone was standing in front of it with a wide smirk.

'What do you want ginger? I need to have a shower.' Flo said with a innocent smile.

'Can I join?' Fred said with a grin.

'No Freddie I need to wash my hair.' Flo said.

'I'll wash It for you.' Fred argued trying to display puppy eyes.

'Freddie, I think we both know what you actually want to do in the shower.' Flo said as she batted her eye lids.

'No I'll just wash your hair.' Fred protested.

'I'm going to shower Freddie.' Flo said as she looked at him up and down and barged past him.

'Darling I think your towel is slipping.' He said with a wink as he gazed at where her towel was falling.

'See you later Weasley.' Flo said pulling up her towel from Fred's wandering eyes as she opened the door of the bathroom and went in and locked it.

Suddenly a loud crack filled the bathroom Flo was in and Fred had suddenly apparated into the the room.

Flo just ignored him, and turned round away from the boy.

She then dropped her towel revealing her body with only her underwear on to Fred's eyes and he had to bite back on his lips. His eyes cascaded down her body as his eyes followed her curves ascentuated on her body.

She knew what she was doing by ignoring him.

He watched her get into the shower and close the shower curtain and turned on the shower.

'You're the girl of my dreams you know that.' Fred called out from the other side of the shower curtain.

'You coming in or what Weasley.' Flo said with the water running down her body. She felt the hot water juxtapose with her slightly cold skin. The water trickled down her body as she relaxed as the streams fell down her face.

'Hell yeah.' Fred said as he pulled of his shirt and trousers. He then pulled back the shower curtain and went in his boxers into the shower now joining Flo.

Fred got into the shower and instantly wrapped his arms around her waist.

He leant in and kissed her hard and Fred gripped her waist tightened as the grip she had on him grew stronger the more they kissed highlighting his desperation for her each other.

Flo slipped her tongue in as she kissed the boy back passionately as their tongues met in synchrony with water dripping down their bodies.

She wrapped her hands around his back and run her nails up as the hot water flowed onto them. Flo then kissed slowly across his bare chest and Fred let out a low whimper at the soft touch of her delicate and tender lips.

'Missed me Weasley.' Flo crooned.

'You have no idea.' Fred muttered in between kisses.

Fred leaned over and reached for the shampoo and poured it into his hand. He then rubbed the shampoo through her hair as she giggled softly.

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