The Army

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A week passed and Umbridge was starting to take complete control over the school. Rules being put up every day, every time the rule was stupid and unfair. Dumbledore had been absent for a while which had the Golden Trio confused and McGonagall was catching on to the harsh punishments Umbridge was giving out. 

Florence was in detention a lot due to Umbridge, who seemed to take pleasure in giving Flo detentions most nights. Florence would never not say what was on her mind, she was to blunt and she felt morally obliged to stand up to this daft woman no matter the consequences. 

The weekend rolled round and Harry had called a meeting at the Hogs Head for some unknown reason. 

Florence was on her way with Ginny to see what was going on. They arrived and walked in to find a lot of people from different houses. She caught sight of the twins and Lee sitting down and shot them a smile which they returned. She sat down and looked at Hermione, Ron and Harry in front of her.

'Um...hi. So, your all here as we need a teacher. A proper teacher. One that has had real experience defending themselves against the dark arts.' Hermione stated. But Florence caught Harry looking at, he looked like he needed some kind of help, but she wasn't sure what for.

'Why?' Some boy asked.

'Why. Cause you know who's back you toss pot.' Ron snapped.

'So, he says.' The boy gestured to Harry.

'So, he says?' She mocked. 'He's back you dick.' Florence spoke out.

'So, he says and she says, and Dumbledore says. Point is where's the proof?' The boy asked.

'Can I hex him?' Flo asked the Golden Trio causing a few laughs from a few people.

'Potter and Lupin can tell us more about what happened that night in the graveyard.' Another boy said.

'I think Harry and I can both agree that we aren't going to talk about that night. So, if you're here for that reason and that reason only, there's the door.' Flo gestured to the door with a glare.

'Florence is true you can produce the Patronus charm? I know Harry can, but I heard you can as well.' Luna asked.

'Yeh, It's true I can. My dad taught me.' Flo said.

'That's wicked. I didn't know you could do that.' George said.

'Yeh I didn't know you could do that.' Hermione said to Florence.

'Harry killed a Basilisk.' Neville pointed out.

'Yeh and last year him and Florence really did fight off you know who in the flesh.' Hermione said.

'Yeh it's great when you put it like that, but It really was luck.' Harry said.

'I may have been luck, but we need you Haz.' Ron said.

'Is he really back?' A little boy asked.

'Yeh.' Harry said with a nod.

'He's back...Voldemort's back.' Flo said and a few gulps and gasps at the use of the name.

'We need to be taught how to defend ourselves because the Ministry is refusing to do so. Sign-up sheet is here if you want to join.' Hermione said.

Mostly everyone in the room walked up and signed their name on the sheet of paper. She watched her three best friends Lee, and the twins sign their name and Lee looked really proud of himself which made Flo very happy.

Florence walked up to the table and signed her name.

'Hey Flo, can I borrow you for a sec?' Harry asked.

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