The Goblet of Fire

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A few nights past of drinking Fire whiskey in the common room with the twins and Lee and talking to Flo's old friends and going on walks with Ben around the grounds.

It was the Wednesday morning, the day before Thursday which was the last day you could put your name in the goblet. Flo and the twins were going to put their names in that day.

Flo got into her robes and headed down to the Great Hall to eat something on her own. She had woken up late as per usual and most of her friends were already at breakfast.

But before she could enter someone had pushed her into a corridor and up against the wall.

'Hey there beautiful, care to head back to my dorm for some alone time?' Pucey spat with his hand reached for her arm holding her tightly so she couldn't move.

'Get off me Pussy.' Flo spat trying to get free of him.

'Don't pretend you don't want me.' Pucey spat leaning in to try and kiss her but she kept pulling away and trying to release herself but he was holding her too tightly.

'Pucey please, get off.' Flo said now starting to struggle more.

'Get the fuck off her!' Fred shouted who heard Flo's struggling voice and was now running into the corridor with George and Lee who sat back and watched what was about to go down.

'Oh, I'm so scared. She wants me alright so would you leave us as I'm going to take her back to my dorm.' Pucey said now taking Flo's hand and trying to pull her away.

Fred was so done with the boy. Fred tackled Pucey to the ground and started beating the shit out of him. Flo watched quite shocked at Fred's actions.

Fred had been constantly punching Pucey so he was now bleeding down his face, his lips were cut and his eye was now red and swollen.

It took George and Flo to get Fred off Pucey. Fred tried to fight them off but he decided to stop as Pucey now laid on the floor black and blue with his skin damaged badly from the strong punches of Fred Weasley.

Pucey walked away to go to see Madame Pomfrey holding his face which was covered with dark red blood. Fred's fists were bloody and his hair was messy across his face.

'You need to stop getting into to fights Fredrick even if it is with Pussy boy.' Lee said.

'He deserved it.' Fred said.

'We all know he deserves it.' George said.

'Are you alright Flo?' Fred asked as he walked up to her and tucked a piece of her hair and put it behind her ear.

'Fine Freddie, i'm just glad you guys came when you did.' Flo said as they all went and sat down to eat something before class.

'For once i'm glad Lee isn't a morning person. We had to pull him out his bed by his legs and that's why we were so late.' George said as him and Fred laughed grinning at Lee.

'Shut up you stupid ginger carrot heads.' Lee said with a laugh and Flo tried to cover her mouth trying not to laugh to loudly at what Lee had said.

'Oi!' George and Fred said in unison.

They all had breakfast and walked to lessons. They were older now so they didn't have as many lesson and they had more free periods during the day.

The last lesson of the day was History of Magic.

Flo, Lee and the twins arrived at the classroom and were waiting outside in order to be let in.

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