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My legs were hoisted up, resting on the table as I slouched down in the meeting chair I was resting in

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My legs were hoisted up, resting on the table as I slouched down in the meeting chair I was resting in. I had kicked my shoes off somewhere, everyone abandoning their work in favour for just lounging around lazily. There was boxes of chinese food scattered over the large table, a mouthful of noodles being worked on by my jaw as I stared at the blank wall. Steve held out his fork to me as I angled the box towards him, making him grab it off of me as he simply swapped his box for mines, leaving me with fried rice in my hand. I furrowed my eyebrows at him slightly, actually enjoying what I was eating before shoving some rice into my mouth as well, not caring enough to ask for the other one back.

Natasha and Scott were sitting at opposite ends of the table, Nat's legs folded under her as she poked at the broccoli that was in her hand. Her red hair was tied up in a bun, the grown out blonde ends visible. She had a somber look on her face, my eyes boring into her as I examined her for a moment, trying to figure out what she was thinking. Natasha looked up at me, our eyes locking as if she could sense that I was staring at her. She raised her eyebrows, silently asking me why I was staring at her, making me shrug my shoulders slightly at her. Natasha silently nodded her head once, the small silent conversation holding both answers and questions even though it was barely noticeable to anyone who may have been watching us.

"We are back" Bruce's voice boomed through the meeting room as I looked over at the door, the chopsticks resting between my teeth as I froze immediately. Bruce walked into the room, Rocket following behind him, the high difference between the two making it look like Bruce could squash the raccoon with one kick. My eyes drifted to the person walking in behind them, or more like shuffling in behind them, their sandals barely leaving new floor as they scuffed against the floors.

They had a pair of sweatpants on, the grey material being stained in various places with undeterminable substances, and I don't think I would like to find out what it was. A pair of black sunglasses say over their eyes, a large can of beer held tightly between their fingers as I continued to stare with my mouth slightly hanging open. "It is bright in here" Thor said as he grimaced, Bruce setting something in a long bag on the table, raising his eyebrows with his back to Thor so he couldn't see him. Steve has set down the container of noodles he was holding, his fork clattering against the table as he leaned forward a little bit.

"Thor" Steve said, being the first to be pulled out of the trance we were all in with seeing this new version of the God of Thunder. His blonde hair was matted and tangled like it hadn't seen a brush for a few months now, his beard looking so unkept that I wouldn't be surprised to see remanence of his lunch stuck in it. "Steve, lovely to see you again" the god bellowed, pulling his sunglasses from his face as he pushed them into the neck of his shirt, letting them hand there as a smile grew onto his face. "Looking very sharp" he commented, nodding his head at Steve who smiled and replied with a quick thank you.

My eyes drifted over to the other side of the table, Natasha still staring at Thor with a mouthful of chicken that she was very slowly chomping on. Scott was staring in comeplte shock, maybe from being in the presence of Thor for the first time, or maybe from surprise of his new appearance. "Ally, my friend" Thor called as I looked over, being pulled out of my trance as I smiled at him awkwardly. "How are you doing?" he asked me, making me pull my feet off of the table as I set down the take out box that I was holding, shoving my chopsticks in it as I shrugged my shoulders at him.

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