a final goodbye.

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Hey guys!

I know a lot of you are going to be like wtf just happened, and trust me when I say that no one is more upset than I am about the ending of Alyona's story. Alas, here we are, it made sense for me to end it here, otherwise I would have been writing for literal years and years and it felt like this chapter of my life - and Ally's fictional one - needed closing.

I just want to say a BIG FAT thank you to every single one of you who have read my story. It has now been 6 years in the making and I actually cannot believe that these books were so successful. I'm now 20 years old, and reading back my old chapters I often find myself thinking 'why would anyone even read this, it's rubbish!', but there's been almost a million of you who have read and loved my work and that makes me soooo happy!

Wattpad has been such a big part of my life since I began writing, I even wrote about it for my college essay. I started writing these books as a bored 14 year old who just couldn't find a good Bucky fanfiction that checked all my boxes, so I pulled out my laptop and started writing it myself. I wrote everywhere I could, on planes, on the bus, at 3am when I couldn't sleep, and even though the fanfic did not end in the way 14 year old Sunny had in mind, it has still been an absolute ride.

I have had some amazing conversations with some of my readers, and I love hearing every thought and idea you guys have to help me improve my story. A lot of you have been here since the beginning and you have all stuck with me, through bad writing and masses of spelling errors (i really don't like proof reading my chapters - why would I reread something I just wrote?) to my hopefully better writing and, who am I kidding I still make way too many spelling mistakes LOL. I genuinely cannot thank you guys enough for the love and support you have shown me through this journey, who would have thought I would still be going today...

And as a final parting gift - head to my account now to check out TEMERE - A Marvel Studios Fanfiction [0]

Surprise! and I'll see you all there.

Love from, Sunny.

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