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I paced the storage room with my hands clasped tightly in front of me, the sound of my shoes scuffing against the floor filling the space

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I paced the storage room with my hands clasped tightly in front of me, the sound of my shoes scuffing against the floor filling the space. The shades that covered the window were still pulled down, my eyes shifting to the closed door every couple of seconds in the hopes that Tony and Steve would walk through it so we could get back home. I played with my ring that now sat snuggly on my finger, having put it back on as soon as I got back into this room. The tip of my finger ran over the red stone as I felt the sharp and smooth angles at which it was cut at, the feeling giving me comfort from the millions of times I had done it before.

My heart was still racing from having seen Peggy and Daniel in the compound, the thumps vibrating through my body as they grounded into the concrete floor that sat beneath my feet. Trying to get out of that building wasn't easy, especially now knowing that Peggy could come around any corner. I had waited in that room for a couple of minutes, worried that Peggy and Daniel wouldn't have life the building yet. As soon as I got out I got straight to the door, not being able to run without causing any suspicion, which meant I was speed walking like my life depended on it back into the spring New Jersey sun. I was pulled from my pacing as the door opened, my eyes shifting towards it to see Steve walking in, his hat still pulled low on his head and his sunglasses resting on his nose.

"Oh thank god" I breathed out as he clicked the door behind him, pulling the hat and sunglasses from his head as I set my hands on my stomach, which felt like I was going to throw up at any second in the near future. I looked up at the ceiling, setting a hand over my eyes as I tried to calm down now that I at least knew that Steve was save from being caught. He didn't say anything as he set the sunglasses on the front of the shirt he was wearing, letting them fall against his chest, and throwing the hat onto one of the stray shelves. "What happened?" He asked as I looked back over at him, my eyebrows scrunched as I let out a deep breath, trying to think of the best way to approach that question. "Peggy saw me" I said quietly, my words hanging in the air between us as Steve raised his eyebrows in reply.

"She's here?" He asked me, one of his hands reaching out to my face as his finger brushed against my cheek lightly in comfort. I nodded my head in reply, his hand dripping back by his side as I let out a heavy sigh, tapping my fingers again the side of my leg nervously. "I had to run but she definitely knows that's she saw me" I told him, still feeling like Peggy could burst through the door and find both Steve and I inside this room at any moment. Steve let out a sigh as he turned away from me, running his hand down his face in exasperation.

"We need to get out of here" he breathed out as he walked to the wall reaching one arm behind one of the shelves as I pulled his shield out of its hiding place. He dusted it free from start dust as I peaked through the shutters again, trying to see if Tony was anywhere near so we could get back home. "Did you get them?" I asked Steve, having completely forgotten that he was meant to get the Pym Particles so that we were able to get back into the Quantum Realm. "Yeah" he replied with a nod, reaching into his pocket and pulling out 5 tubes of the red Pym Particles from his pocket.

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